Chapter 2 Planet Fall

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Colby: When I got up for the next day or rotating; because yesterday I had awakened after sleeping for 3300 years since I left Earth in 2200 and I was still tired, so when the sun peaked up in next rotation I got up from my bunk and went to the Shower I put on some music while in the shower. The song was 82nd all the way, sabaton 2020  

I was singing alone with the music and to be honest this is one of my favorite songs. I got out of the shower and Dried myself off and put on my clothes, boots and stahlhelm, but before I did I looked at them and they reminded me of when I was in a reenacting the battle of Verdun and The battle for Venice it was good times I hanged out with friends and had lots of fun, but then the War Began. A new energy source was the start of it all. The Neu energy source had limited possibilities to help us, but it turned us all against each other.

I was trying hard to get off-world and head to Mars quickly so I found the last remaining ship in Vienna that was almost ready to launch, but when I made my way to the Ship I found piles of dead people from the radiation around it. I went to the ship and checked if i needed to fix anything, and the good news was I didn't need to do anything, so I started up the countdown and launched into space and when I looked back at earth it was on fire and all I could think about were the screams of billions crying out for help, and I knew I could not do anything to help. I went to my chamber to Cryo Freeze me for the next few years, but instead I must have drifted off course somehow, but for now I guess I must rebuild here and see what I can find.

I went to the command deck and grabbed hold of the helm and descended to the planet, the nav computer projected I would land in a lush green forest where it feels like spring weather forever. I landed there because in this area it is Extremely good for farming and building a city! Then after I Rebuild I shall start producing goods from raw materials I gather, I would also need a standing military and towns guard. I must have schools to help Educate more people so they can work on more intelligent labour!

After waiting 20 minutes to land on the planet I open the bay door and I checked the air to make sure it was breathable, about when I was going to take off my gas mask, I heard a Bullet shot was its seemed like it was fired from a few feet away, I froze in place and in a few Seconds I saw 3 human like Figures come of the bushes Nearby, one of them with Equipped with a musket. I put my hands in the air, and one of them spoke "Who or what are you" one of them asked me, I was surprised they knew English! so I carefully took off my Gas Mask so i could alleviate tensions.

After I took the mask off I said "guten Tag, I'm Colby Von Manstein and I'm from a far away world" I said. They all looked surprised.

I continued: "You look human but your ears are pointy. Are you elves?"

Unknown Elf responded "yes we are elves! well Blood Elves... we fled our homeland so recently we decided to settle here until your...Metal Bird came down!"

Colby: "I'm sorry I did not know that Scared you, but I can make it up to you by helping you all."

One the Elf responded: "help us with what?

Colby: "I can help you build a city here with infrastructure, housing, factories, power or anything else you need!" I said with a smile

Unknown elf "Alright I accept your offer, and how do you plan on building a city by yourself?" she said

Colby: "I have some 'helpers' in my ship that you will soon see by tomorrow! but first they need to grow and awaken."

Colby: "and by the way I did not get a chance to ask, but what's your name?"

Featintila: "My name is Featintila .... Featintila Axanquenudu"

Colby: "well nice to meet you Mädchen ist Freund"

Featintila: "What is a Mädchen ist Freund?"

Colby: "It means girl is friend in my language, but if I said Fruendlin it would mean you would be my girlfriend"

Featintila blushes a little: "Well That's a bit Forward, but maybe in time my opinion will change!"

Colby: "Hopefully. Well let's have some food because I'm hungry! and I haven't eaten for the last 3300 years! Once I'm done eating I'll tell you my Story!"

Author: Hello everyone I been having help redoing some chapters . My partner

KurtKop [503-GD]

please leave a comment for helping me out with this wonderful story

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