Chapter 10 The Preparation of the Expanding and reclaiming of Empires

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After a few months

The Kaiser and King of the Dwarfs and Kaiserin of the Elves were planning out and organizing their armies to prepare for a full on expansion and reclaim their former lands that were destroyed or split up during the Great Undead horde that destroyed two Empires, but was finally stop by the Kaiserreich. Many months have passed since the horde was defeated for good, but came with a heavy price of losses of life from the Dwarfs, Elves, clones, humans, and droids. All of them paid the ultimate sacrifice and some went beyond the call of duty and their deeds shall not be forgotten.

The Kaiserreich has spent months rebuilding the city and expanding it for the refugees that keep coming in and making room for the dwarfs and elves to live. Kaiser Colby spent a lot of time in the Reichstag trying to get government officials to vote on more clones and droids are need for the expansion and vote on more worker laws and expanding production and productivity of the new mechs. Featintila was training her's people to become soldiers in the greatest military camping this world will see and tracing some of her people becoming the best engineers to rebuild the former capital that now lay in ruin and probably lays with what remains of the undead that could be there and some warlord states that are trying to proclaim themselves as the Legitimate Elven Empire also Emperor, but that will not happen if Featintila has some to say about it. Featintila's sister Sasha has become amazed with the mechs and our technology so much that she has asked the Kaiser to give her some mechs so she can become the first mech Kommandant and first elf to lead this unified forces to go to Krieg.

The Leaders of this Great alliance had come up with a plan to take back and destroy the warlords occupying the land after the fall of the empires. Kaiser Colby will lead his army to the north and Fieldmarshal Redac will lead the Kaiser best to the northwest taking out powerful Warlords that have got their hands on some power weapons from the dwarfs and elves. The Dwarf King will lead his army and a liberation force to take back the capital and to take out the lords that betrayed him when he called them and no one came. Today is a Grand day for the Empire and today this will go down in the history books for the Greatest Military Campaign in Empire history. Millions of men and women, elves, dwarfs, clones, and droids will march in the greatest military in the world. Today the Kaiser will give a grand speech to motivate the troops and the citizens of the Empire and the Federation of Empires to make sure they do not waver in the line of duty and at home working tirelessly for the War Machine.

Kaiser Colby: I walk on the stage in front of the Reichstag over a million people watching either in person or somewhere with TV or listening on a radio within the Empire, but there are those out there that might have some type of communication and could be listening in. If they want a fight later let them come we will be ready. "People of the Federation of Empires. I thank all of you for coming out here too soon to listen to my speech and those that are tuned in to hear what I have to say. After months of recovering from the Hordes attack and siege on our Empire and the people who lived that gave their lives to defend it to the last man, woman, droid, elf, dwarf, and clone. Some whom went beyond the call of duty and the rest that hold the line in the trenches hold the horde back so we can do a counter attack on the undead and in the end our counter attack work not because the dead was losing numbers fast, but we manage to find the Lich or Elder Lich in charge of such of a vast number, and slayed the Lich with the help of our allies. After months of rebuilding some of the villages and cities of the Empire and the Capital itself and the replenishment of our numbers and increase in our labor force. We now have the largest military this world will soon see, but in order for them to see this grand army we will put our army into action. I'm here to tell you all it time for the Expansion and reclaiming of lost territory of our allies. We will help them take out what remains of the dead in the ruins of their capitals and take out the former lords that betrayed them when the dead came and are now warlord states trying to claim legitimacy of both empires, but that will not happen because we are coming...The Federation of Empires is coming and the Kaiserreich will lead the way!"
Kaiser Pause for a moment then everyone started to cheer. The troops saluted him,  some wave flags, some shouted "Für der Kaiser und für den Vaterland", but the citizens of all classes cheered with fireworks, ribs flying across the crowd, and more. The Kaiser saluted the army that was information marching down from the Reichstag and marched all the way out of the city and off to war. Fieldmarshal Redac already left with his portion of the army matching for some of the warlords of the Elves, but was also joined by Sasha in command of the first mech division . Droghondreg King of the Dwarf took his people and some of the Kaiserreich troops with him to start marching and reclaiming their homeland. As for the Kaiser and Kaiserin Featintila rest of the army march for the once great capital of the Elven Empire and soon it will rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

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