Chapter 11 The Siege of Castle Armee

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Emperor Droghondreg of the once great Dwarf Empire was on his way to his once great capital "The Iron Mountain". Droghondreg was also liberating and killing those that he trusted to watch over the land instead they betrayed him in the end to only obtain the power to control the former empire, but that did not go to plan for a lot of these warlords or dukes. The Dwarven Emperor told the Kaiser and Kaiserin and Redac about his plan to take his army and some of the Empire troops to reclaim and liberate the people from the archdukes he once called allies. Droghondreg and the army marched for three days until they came to Castle Amree.

Droghondreg: "This is where one of my most trusted Archdukes and friend lives, but now he is a traitor and must be made example and free the people here to join our cause."

Dwarf Officer: "My Emperor!"

Droghondreg: "What is it."

Dwarf Officer: "I found our people working in slave camps near the castle and being forced to produce muskets and other weapons and materials for the Archduke plans to take over our former Empire."

Droghondreg: "He will pay for this, but first set up an encirclement then set up the artillery. We are going to blow Castle Armee to hell, but we must free our people!"

Dwarf Officer: "aye aye my Emperor!"

When Droghondreg gave the order to set up the artillery and to free his people that were being exploited to slaver the army quickly blitzing for the mines and factories battling block by block, slum by slun, and street by street fighting the Archduke men. The dwarven Imperial Troops and a new division that the Kaiser and the Emperor came up with Dwarven Sturm truppen that were loaded with grenades and smgs charging the enemy and showing no mercy. The Dwarf Emperor men got closer to where all the people are out and once they got to the factories and mines they start to shout out.

Dwarf Imperial Soldiers: "The Emperor has return to free the people and retake the lands from the traitors that did not help the empire in our time of need or defend the people that built this nation. We have return to free you all and bring back the Empire and to take your revenge against the Archduke that did this to you."

The people started to rise up, but they wanted proof that the Emperor is alive to make sure this was no trick or anything, but as the people started to take up arms they heard a horn and looked up to a dwarf wearing a crown and waving the Flag with a Mountain with a cannon and warhammer slashing through it on there.

Droghondreg: "Loyal people of the Empire rise up and take back your freedom and dwarfmanity from these traitors and make this Empire great again."

The people quickly rose up and attack the guards with pickaxes, stones, cannons, and muskets against the Archduke men and the Imperial army join in as well to kill as many of the archduke men so the castle can be easter to take and minimize the damage on the castle so the Emperor can have a base of operation to take back his Empire and rid these lands of traitors, monsters and what remains of the undead.

After 3 hours the Emperor orders a retreat with the imperial army and the people that were saved because the artillery teams are about to rain hell upon the castle and the enemy's fortcation and trenches, but the Emperor orders the artillery team to fire specialized shells that had chemicals in it. Mustard gas, one of the most deadly weapons created back from the Kaiser world and now it is back to bring terror and death. Everyone made it back in time to watch the fireworks go off. The Emperor ordered the artillery to fire and once he gave the order everyone saw the shells flying toward Castle Armee. When the shells hit the ground they saw a green fog or cloud cover the area of the castle. Droghondreg men were wearing specialized gas masks for dwarfs. Droghondreg ordered his men to start marching towards the castle to find the body of the Archduke. The men marched and went in the dark mist green deadly cloud. After a few minutes the green mist went away and some of dwarfs took off their mask to see if the air was good and luckily for them it was, but something in the distance was rising from the trenches just right outside of the castle and it was one of officers of the Archduke army or what was left of it trying to put up with one last stand and charge. One of the Imperial soldiers was shot dead, but that did not stop the imperial or made them scared. They quickly charge the duke's men before they could reload their guns and fix bayonets. This was the Dead men Marching again turning the tide of the attack with a Dwarven counter charge they were fighting for their lives as their enemy revives Dwarf won't surrender striking fear into their foe and that when the dead men are marching again.

The battle outside lasted for two to five hours of brutal hand to hand and melee weapons they all had their hands on to kill each other, but in the end the imperial army won resulting in the capture of the Castle Armee. Droghondreg found his once trusted and archduke dead on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth and order the men to set up shop and brought the bodies of the enemy to a pile to be burned to show what will happen to anyone that does not come join the Emperor and betrays him, but the Archduke body was given to the people so they can mutilate it and rip it piece by piece. The Emperor ordered his men to feed the people and to set up a medical center so they can heal the wounded and injured. The Emperor gave his people a choice either to stay here and support him to retake the land by sending supplies and other needs for the liberation of the land or join in the imperial army to take the fight to the traitors and help the people. Most of the people stayed and did what they could to send supplies to the imperial army and some joined to take up the call to arms. Emperor did not like using the gas, but he had to make a strong statement to the dukes and tell them hell has arrived.

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