Chapter 7 The Horde

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As the horde of skeletons drew closer to the Kingdom, the Kaiserreich army quickly rushed to the first trench line setting up the Battle lines, filling it with tens of thousands of men armed with bolt-action rifles  with bayonets, MP 35 and MP 40s, plus a few with MG 34s. Back at the inner city, The Vienna Artillery teams were firing endless rounds trying to quickly drain the hordes numbers that more than Greatly outnumbered them. Right now Kaiser Colby is the commander of the center Army and The Fallback lines if the dead ever breach the walls of Vienna... Kaiser Colby knows that his side has superior firepower and planning, but even he knows it will not be enough to fight off the dead. He will do everything in his power to make sure his Kingdom and Nation will see the next day. Right now General Redca has order his men to set up mortar emplacements in the last trench for covering fire, but the down fall that will soon come at the first trench will be the low amount of ammunition up there for the MG teams while the rest of the ammunition is located in the third trench guard by the best to the best MG teams using the state of the art MG 42 that were used in only for defence only and few were produce due to the amount of material it cost to build, but nevertheless this weapon will cut down thousands of undead before they could even reach the walls and bunkers. As the dead gets closer and closer to the first trench and artillery shells never stop raining the fields once filled with lusted greenland and now turn to ash, smoke, fire and crater going about three to four feet in the ground. The clones, droids, Elves, and Volkssturm prepare to open fire on the horror that draws ever so closer.

Colby: "Attention! People of the Empire. We are about to be attacked by an incoming undead horde please seek shelter. We will deal with this threat quickly as we can and promise to protect you and this great nation. We built this nation from almost nothing and we shall fight to our last dying breath before this nation falls!"

Colby walks over to the armory and pics up a K98 and a new assault rifle the STG44 or Sturmgewehr 44 and a few grenade and then Featintila came rushing in the armor with a few elves and OberfieldMarshall Redac with his best clone fighters all of them grabbing ammo, gewhers, and artillery rounds.

*Meanwhile on the frontlines*

Soldier 1: "Incoming undead forces. Looks like the first wave is zombies with a few small arms melee weapons"

Droid 1: "Roger that sir."

Soldier 2: "Sir we have a limited amount of ammo for the MGs up here so I'm guessing we will have to retreat to the wheat fields where the second trench is located?"

Soldier 1: "Ja mein freund! Once all ammo is spent here on the MGs we will retreat back to the other trench where there fresh ammo is waiting for us and hopefully where we can hold our positions"

Droid 1: " I'm picking up a large amount of biomass incoming!"

Soldier 1: "Alright men you heard the droid get ready to open fire!"

All the men and women and droids quickly moved to their positions and some were shaking due to the ground always moving due to the artillery shells kept raining down behind them all the way back from the City while others were smiling and eager to charge or kill their enemy with no remorse. The droids had no fear nor sprite for anything except for following orders.

Horde: "BBBBBB Rrrr aaaa iiii nnnn" "Kill . . .them . . . ALL!"

Soldier 1: "OPEN FIRE!"

Everyone opened fire and hail of bullets started to fly towards the mindless and undead and soon hit their soft flesh and quickly gave those once people, but undead horrors mercy for becoming nothing but slaves in an arm that never tired or sometimes eats. Waves of the Zombie infantry battalion kept coming and just adding to the body count that is already making a pile that will reach for the sky.

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