Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies

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VanderVall Academy- Friday 1st June, 2018- 4.07am

Justin had three werewolves above him their claws out about to attack him while Dallas was eight feet away with Angelica's hand in his chest. They all hear a loud high pitch scream coming from town and within second the wolves back off from Justin as the blood begins to poor out of their eyes, ears and noses along with Angelica. Justin manages to get up off the ground along with Dallas, Justin instantly impales his hand into the three werewolves chests and tears out their hearts. Dallas grabs a hold of Angelica and Justin walks over to her.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time" Justin smirks at her finally feeling relieved that this nightmare can be over. 

"Appears your daughter got to me first" Angelica shakes her head realising Kathryn has discovered her scream.

"This will be the last you ever speak of my daughter"Justin informs her before punching his fist into her chest, he takes her heart out and holds it in his hand. He starts of squeezing it slowly then harder each time.

"Who knew torture would be this fun" Dallas smirks at her then to Justin

"If only Kathryn was here to see it" Justin pipes up thinking about Kathryn and what she might have just done.

"I imagine i will see her soon enough" Angelica smirks at them both before Justin completely crushes her heart and she turns to ash.

Justin and Dallas stand up and look around seeing nothing but ashes and the bodies of werewolves and witches on the ground. They look over and see the rest of their friends all joined together with smiles on their faces.

"Kathryn" Dallas pipes up looking around worried for her.

Dallas and Justin both look at each other and run towards town where they heard the scream come from. They find Ophelia's body by the bridge and look at the water.

"This can't be good" Dallas says looking to see if Ophelia has a pulse or not and shakes his head no.

Justin stands at the bridge and looks at the water, he closes his eyes in fear knowing this moment was coming and Alice walks over standing by their side.

"The water" Alice reminds Justin as she also looks at the water.

Justin climbs over the bridge wall and jumps into the water, while the others stand by watching him hoping he gets Kathryn and she is alive. Dallas stands by the bridge his hand up at his head in fear and a tear in his eye.

"She has to be alive" Dallas mumbles to himself over and over again. Alfonso finds them all in town and walks over to Dallas, he puts his hand on his shoulder letting him know that he is there for him if he needs him and to comfort him.

"I don't understand what happened, one minute we were all about to die and the next" Ella mentions feeling confused about how they are still alive.

"I've read about it before in a book i didn't think it was possible thought. Very rare" Alfonso pipes up to them all "It's called a witch's scream, not many witches have the gift and it can be fatal. Can wipe out towns of people, back in the day so many people feared those with the cry that they would slaughter any witch who had it so for many years witches would suppress the scream/ cry until a certain again when they would get their gift back and taught how to control it. People thought it went extinct but i knew there was a couple witches still alive with it" Alfonso explains to them what he knows.

"How is it possible though, isn't she meant to be a vampire?" Zackery asks them all confused

"It's not possible but yet she has both genes. Kathryn has the genes of a vampire meaning that when she dies she would turn into a vampire but she also is a witch which makes her unpredictable and unknown. Angelica like many others wanted to use her as a weapon when her gift was first discovered before it was suppressed, those who knew of it were killed to keep it a secret but obviously we missed someone" Isaac shares with them all.

"This was the moment i had foreseen, I kept seeing her die in the water. I knew this moment was coming and so did she. We knew this was how it was going to end. She risked her life for all of us" Alice confesses to them feeling guilty that it came to this.

Justin comes back up out of the water with Kathryn in his arm, Zackery leaps down to the side to help him. Dallas stands frozen where he stands looking at Justin walking up to them with a lifeless, blue and cold Kathryn in his arms. Ella lets out a gasp at the sight, Justin lays Kathryn down on the path and attempts to give her mouth to mouth and cpr trying to save her.

"Justin we're too late, she's gone" Greg points out as he is kneeled down beside Justin and Kathryn. "She's gone" He repeats

"No" Justin shouts at her not willing to accept it.

Dallas walks over to the three of them as everyone crowds round them to watch, Greg moves out of the way to let Dallas beside her.

"I'm sorry i failed you" Dallas apologises as he looks down at Kathryn then looks up at Justin. Justin puts his hand on Dallas' shoulder

"You didn't fail either of us" Justin refuses to believe that shaking his head when in fact he believes that Dallas did everything he could to protect her even putting his life on hold for her.

"Everyone's watching" Greg points out to them, a teary eyed Dallas keeps his eyes on Kathryn while a crying Justin looks up to see the crowds of people gathered.

"We need to get her inside"Justin tells Dallas and goes to pick her up again

"Please" Dallas says wanting to do it himself to which Justin nods his head.

Dallas puts his right arm under her legs and his left under her shoulders and picks her up. He carries her back up to the school, each of them walking on the ashes and over the bodies of their enemies back up to the Academy where each step they take is full of gasps and whispers as people talk about Kathryn's death finding it unbelievable. Dallas carries Kathryn all the way up to school and through the halls.

He lays her gently on her bed, the girls cleaned her up and put on fresh clothes to her. For the past week Dallas stayed by her side on a chair holding her hand not feeling ready to stay goodbye to her. Justin was sitting on the sofa in her bedroom finding it just as hard as Dallas none of them wanting to leave her side. Both having faith she would come back to life but the question was did she want to come back?

Kathryn's eyes open and she shoots up taking a breath, her eyes turned to a golden colour as she looks around at her surroundings trying to figure out if she is in heaven or not. She blinks and the turn back to her usual colour brown. Dallas and Justin both quickly get to her side and take her hand.

"It's okay, you're okay" Dallas assures her with a friendly loving smile on his face

"I thought i lost you" Justin reveals to her and a tear comes out his eyes.

"We won" Kathryn smirks at them both happy that she can finally put it all behind her and live a somewhat normal life with the people she loves and most importantly her father. She didn't know where life was going to take her but she was excited to find out. 

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