Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash

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VanderVall Academy - Friday 17th November,2017- 6.34am

Kathryn's Chambers-

Kathryn's room is in darkness as she lays asleep in her bed continuing to toss and turn through out the night as she is reminded of old memories from her old life.

Flashback- Tuesday 6th May,2014- 4.23pm

Kathryn comes running down her stairs with her school uniform still on, A pair of trousers, a white shirt, yellow and black tie. She walks gracefully into the living room in hopes she can sweet talk her father into letting her stay at her friend's house ( Amy).

"Hey dad, what you doing?" Kathryn asks as she walks into the room with a smile on her face

"Nothing really, Just trying to watch something on tv before i start to put the supper on" Seth answers her as he flicks through the channels on the tv.

"I can help with supper if you'd like?" Kathryn offers as she sits on the edge of one of the sofas.

"No, you've probably got more important things to do than help your old man cook" Seth refuses her help and keeps his eyes pressed on the tv.

"I was wondering, Would it be alright if i stayed at Amy's House this weekend?" Kathryn asks with a gently and sweet tone of voice

"Why?" Seth questions her getting suspicious there could be a story to go along with it

"Dad, I'm thirteen. I'm not going out partying or doing drugs. I know better than that, her family does movie nights on a friday and they asked me if i wanted to join them" Kathryn answers him with a big smile

"Alright, you can go. But i want you home before supper on Saturday." Seth agrees to the girls sleep over.

"Thank you dad, I love you" Kathryn jumps off her chair and over to him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah yeah" Seth replies as she continues to flick through the television.


Kathryn wakes herself up from her dream and looks around her dark room, She leans over and puts her lamp on. She looks at the time on her clock and yawns still feeling tired. She climbs out of her bed and over to her wardrobe reaching into the top shelf taking out her box of memorabilia. She walks back over to her bed with her box in her hand and sits down, She opens it up and takes the photo out of her, Seth and Christine and stares at it.

Kathryn's Inner Voice-

"I miss them both like crazy, everyday i think of them and think about what they would say to me if i was here. I think of all the conversations we could have had and i would have told them that it's okay, that everything is going to be okay and that they don't need to apologise or feel bad because they were giving me a chance at life which i am so incredibly grateful for. Not having them here with me breaks my heart, for years i called them mum and dad and now I'm afraid to mention them in case someone gets offended. Justin has done so much for me in the time i have known him but a part of my heart will always belong to my other mum and dad because they raised me, they gave me food off their plates and helped make me the person i am today. I wish i got more time with them or a chance to tell them that i'm okay and i'm alive and they don't have to worry about me, I wish i could just see their faces and for them to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. I know there is going to be a war coming to our door and i know there could be a chance that i don't make it i just wish i could tell them how much i love them before death comes for me."

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