Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures

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VanderVall Academy- Friday 1st June,2018-4.25am

Town Bridge- Water

Kathryn is sinking in the water with her eyes closed as she remains unconscious. Her hair was no longer blonde like her father but was now red from the blood that drains out of her head and from those she has slaughtered. Blood seeps into the water around her from the cuts on her body. Her body continues to sink drawing her closer to the bottom of the sea.  

Kathryn's point of view

I knew this day was Coming, I have been waiting for it to arrive for such a long time. I prepared myself for this moment yet i don't feel it. They are all dying up on shore while I'm sinking to the bottom, I shouldn't be surprised. I'm ending it the way it started. I manage to open my eyes although the pain practically kills me to do so, i feel so disoriented as i look around me. The water looked so blue, so calm, so beautiful. If i was going to die this was a beautiful place to do so, but this time the fish do not fear me, they swim towards me and past me like i'm not there, some even stop in front of me expecting me to move but i don't. I'm frozen still unable to lift a single finger. Unable to swim back ashore. Perhaps I'm not the monster i always believed myself too be. I can feel my eyes getting heavier by the minute, this must be it, it must be my time to say goodbye.

Two Hours Earlier-

VanderVall Academy Gates- Friday 1sth June, 2018- 2.07am-

Jesse is stood at the gates with a large group of very angry Vampires, were wolves and witches. The witches are stood out in front of everyone with their hands out in front of them.

"Take the goddamn barrier down" Jesse yells at them getting impatient with how long they are taking.

They focus Ignoring Jesse shouting and continue to focus no matter how rowdy the crowd behind them gets. Jesse stands back and starts to see the protective barrier slowly coming down, the more the witches focus the faster the barrier comes down. Jesse stands by the gates and watches as the dome like see through protective barrier slowly comes down, Part of the barrier flaking off and falling to the ground to which Jesse smirks seeing that they are making progress. The part of Jesse who is still fighting for his soul is begging them to stop and trying to restrain himself from doing anything. The barrier comes down and Jesse looks at the witches.

"Done" Dominika Warcroff claims with a head nod to him.

Jesse walks over to the gate and puts his hand on it, he forces the gates open. He takes a step inside and realises it is safe.

"Time to get to work" Jesse Smirks at them and they all to start to quietly make their way to the entrance of the school. Angelica's orders was to avoid burning or destroying the school but kill anyone and everyone they could because they all deserved it except Kathryn.

"Vampires Go north exit, Wolves  East Exit, Witches main exit" Jesse orders them and they all break off making sure there is no way to escape and the walls wasn't strong enough to keep them out.

The Witches use their magic to force their way into the main entrance of the school until they are inside.

"Open every door, kill every single person. You have your orders, do what must be done" Jesse yells at them and the chaos begins.

An attack on all exits had started, every door they found they would go into and raid in hopes of finding someone to kill. Jesse finds a hunter coming down the hall and snaps his neck within a matter of seconds while his Partner TP Mcshane manages to get to the bell and ring it as a warning that they have been invaded. Jesse lunges at Tp and puts his hand through his chest and takes out his hearts, TP falls to the ground only having rung the bell a minimum of 3 times before dying. Jesse looks over and sees TP's partner coming back around, he picks up one of the side tables and drops it on Polly's chest killing him instantly. Jesse continues on his way leaving some students to pass him by to allow the witches to have a little fun using spells such as boiling blood, acid attack and one of their most cunning was every weapon they had brought with them was laced with poison, one touch in the bloodstream would kill you.

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