Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs

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VanderVall Academy- Saturday 26th January, 2018

Dallas Chambers- 6.37am

Kathryn's Point Of view-

I open my eyes unsure of my surroundings then i can smell his cologne against his bed sheets, i let out a yawn and open my eyes properly and that's when i notice my hand on his bare chest, i move my head and look down at my body which was wrapped around his duvet sheets to which i take a tight hold off to which my eyes widen a little as i remember what happened yesterday, what we did. I slowly remove my hand from his chest hoping not to wake him because if he did wake up i wouldn't know what to say to him. I move as quickly as i can off the bed and grab my gym clothes off the floor and throw them onto my body along with my trainers, as i leave i pick up my gym bag and sneak out of his room and head back to mine. Thankfully our rooms were only down the hall from one another. As i walk to my room i see a fellow classmate of mine from Kane Bishop walking in my direction with his gym bag in hand and i automatically think i'm screwed.

"Morning Kathryn, You're up early" Kane Bishop from my english class says to me with a friendly smile

"Morning Kane, Yeah i thought i would get an early training session in" I lie to him making a cover story for myself

"I just missed you then, i was heading there right now" Kane says to me feeling disappointed

"Perhaps another time" I smiles at him and then walk away to my room and all that is playing on my mind now is what if he finds out i wasn't actually in the gym. I am so over thinking this aren't i. Ugh if Ella could hear my thoughts she would think of me as pathetic.

I take my keys out of my bag and unlock my bedroom door and enter the room, i close the door behind me and throw my gym bag on the sofa taking only my phone out of it. I consider going back into bed for a couple more hours of sleep but don't see the point in it so instead i head for a shower to freshen myself up after all my exercising. I jump into the shower and my music plays in the background. I don't get out of the shower until forty five minutes after i first went in as i just let the water run against my body. When i get out of the shower i dry myself up and head for my wardrobe to look at what i might wear for the day and screw up my face having no idea. Eventually i decide to take out a royal blue floaty skirt that sits above her belly button and a white cropped top that has tiers at the front of my chest and a blue and white ankle boot heels that has ties up the front of it. I threw on some makeup to hide away the black eyes and sleep deprivation on my face and my hair straightened at one side.

At 8.52am i make my way down to the great hall to grab breakfast my heart pounding the entire way there. I walk into the great hall and see Ella already sitting there in what appeared to be a blue above knee tight light blue skirt and a light blue top that also had tier at the front as i get closer to her i see she also has light blue pair of heels and a bag to go with it, her hair in a bun on top of her head.

"Morning"I say to her with a smile on my face as i sit down beside her and begin to pile up my plate with bacon, sausages, toast, beans and egg

"Good morning" Ella replies to her then pours herself some blood into a glass .

Alice walks over to the table after being speaking to Marly at the table across from us and sits in front of me and Ella while wearing a red and black tatern above knee skirt with a red cropped sleeveless tank top that tied at the back of her neck and red and black tartan strap heels to match her heels, her hair was down and some of it was in a small quiff at the top of her head.

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