Chapter 35- The Urges

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VanderVall Academy- Monday 18th December, 2018- 1.53pm


Kathryn stumbled her way through the corridors with her black skirt and burgundy t-shirt soaked in water as she passes some of her fellow classmates trying to make her way to her room, the water spilling out of her mouth, ears and eyes after being attacked by Jesse only twenty minutes ago. She found herself waking up in a broom cupboard drenched in water as like always she tries to cough it up but fails. It's not until she comes back to life that all the water from inside her body comes back up and let's just say it leaves a bit of a puddle behind. Her mind disoriented and her balance off she trips while going up to the stairs to her chambers making her fall down six or seven stairs, when she gets up and looks at her hand she sees blood coming down from it. She picks herself up and carries on making her way to her room knowing she can't let anyone see her like this. As she stumbles to her room she feels a hand being placed on her back, she clenched her fists tight and turns around ready to attack the person only to see it's Dallas. He was only five corridors away and as soon as she cut her hand the smell of her blood surrounded him and he ran to her side.

Dallas' Inner Voice-

"I can smell her blood, She's hurt i can feel it. I follow her scent and find her... god what happened to her hand. I can see the blood sliding off and dripping onto the floor but not one part of me feels the urge to attack her, i don't feel the urge to drink her blood. My instinct is to protect her, to make sure she is okay. If this was anybody else what would i have done"

"Are you okay?" Dallas asks her looking at her bloody fist.

"I'm fine, I just tripped"Kathryn replies only telling half of the truth

He helps her to her room and once inside he takes her straight to the bathroom and hold her hand over the sink and puts the water tap on. He holds onto her hand and gently rubs her palm to clear away the blood and any debris that could be stuck in her cut. Kathryn watches his face and not once does his fangs appear or the veins under his eyes come bulging out instead it's just the usual Dallas.

"How can you resist my blood but not the guy in town?" kathryn asks him confused at how calm he is.

"Because i know you and i would never dare do anything like that to you" Dallas answers her not seeing her blood as a problem

"ha, Least now i know you won't kill me" Kathryn jokes to him with a little chuckle

"Would never dream of it" Dallas looks up to her eyes and he knows himself no matter how bad his blood lust gets he would never be able to hurt Kathryn. He values her life to much to be the one to destroy it.

Kathryn just observes him as he takes care of her hand, she watches as he turns of the tap and gently dries her hand with the towel making sure not too hurt her. She looks at the cut and shrugs her shoulders not thinking it's important enough for a band aid.

"If you're willing to wait a minute we can walk to the gym together"Kathryn mentions to him and for the first time since he took away an innocent man's life she was making jokes to him again and not both heading to the gym at different times than the other.

"I'll wait" Dallas nods his head and sits on the sofa.

Kathryn goes into the wardrobe and takes out a black pair of sports leggings that had red lines at the side and the matching zipped hoodie along with it along with a black and red sports bra. She goes into the bathroom and throws the clothes on and brushes her hair into a high ponytail so that her hair isn't in her face as much as it would be if it was down. When she comes out the bathroom she throws on a pair of black sneakers and fills her water bottle of water and throws it in the bag. Once she has everything she picks up her black sports back and her and Dallas walk over to the gym. They didn't talk much apart from an odd thing here and there but they didn't mind because it was if all was forgotten.

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