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"LET US OUT!" They Scream
Echoing off the walls in my mind
Their words like knives in my brain
I listen to the chatter that's never dead
I feel the vibrations, I hear the loud pops
Sometimes it's like static, for nothing is said
But I know they're still there, they live in my head
They add to the torture, they bring up old thoughts
They poke at me daily, 'I'm never enough'
It feels like hell some days, they always find time for toxic play
Sadly, each of these thoughts come from me
My mind is a battlefield, and I've yet to win
The war is still going, never to end
But I'll stand up to my own personal hell
In hopes that one day they'll all fail
I'll shield my mind, like a mother shields her child
They'll cry in defeat, and soon go silent
They'll no longer taunt, no longer laugh
I can't wait for that day, but until then
My mind is a battle, can't wait to win

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