
656 19 0

March 25, 2010

The vibrant rays of the morning sun, filtered through the clouds and down on the dirt roads, heating up the almost bare lands. It was a secluded country area with a few trees and bushes that lined the deserted roads. A black SUV with tinted windows pulled up into the none vacant lot, parking next to a smaller car. A man climbed out of the car and walked up to the SUV. The blacked out window rolled down just enough for the man to see the man in the driver of the SUV wearing a cap and sunglasses.

"Where are they?" The concealed guy asked in a low voice.

"In the trunk," The other man said. "I did exactly what you said."

"Good, put them in the back."

The man moved away from the SUV and to his car, where his companion popped open the trunk which revealed two unconscious teenage girls. One at a time, he lifted the girls and loaded them into the back of the large SUV. The driver of said SUV watched the exchange with curious eyes in the rear view mirror until his eyes fell on the two brunettes and he all but gasped. The girls shared very similar appearance; light olive complexion, straight brown hair and strong features. They were exact replicas of Katerina and Viviana Petrova. More than he had even thought possible. His eyes flickered between the set of twins.

After shutting the trunk, the man returned to the owner of the SUV.

"Thank you for your help."

"Is there anything else?"

"One more thing. Come closer, please." The man had a puzzled look but closer as he was told and the owner of the SUV rolled down the window less conservatively. He beckoned the other man. "Closer."

The minute the man was close enough, the vampire latched onto the human's neck, being careful not to expose his skin to the scorching rays of the sun. The human struggled but eventually stopped jerking when he became too weak as the blood left his body. Once satisfied, the vampire let human's now dead body drop to the ground with a thud. He smiled cynically as she wiped the blood from his lips.

━ ➶ 𓆉。˚ ✧ ༉‧₊˚. ━

Elena stirred groggily as she started to return to a state of consciousness. The first thing she was aware of, after the constant throb of pain issuing from her skull, was the darkness. It surrounded her in a thick blanket and she had to blink a few times just to make sure her eyes were actually open. The next thing she came to notice was that her hands and feet were bound with ropes as she tried to push herself upwards but soon realised that the very effort of the action wasn't an option. She struggled against the ropes but her attempts were futile.

If she held her breath, she thought that she could hear someone's footsteps but the sound was too quiet for her to be sure.

She came to her next realisation she was in a trunk of a car when a man clad in black popped open the trunk and the brunette squinted as the bright light poured in. The man's face was framed with black large glasses and he had dark hair.

"Good you're awake. Saves me the trouble of making a return trip." He muttered as he untied the ropes around her ankles before hauling her out of the trunk. Elena swayed a little as she found her balance and the man moved to pick up Louise who's hands and feet were also bounded by ropes and her chocolate brown hair spread wildly around her.

"Lou." Elena gasped before she glared at her captor who picked up her sister bridal style . "What have you done to her?!"

"Don't worry. She's fine." he responded simply. "Now, move." He instructed and jerked his head towards the door.

They walked into a dirty old house and he ushered Elena into what was supposed to be a living room. Paint peeled off the walls in grey and brown splotches while water marks stained the floors and ceilings. Dusted chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the only light came from the tinted windows.

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