Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2

Start from the beginning

"You teach Ancient Greek. Tell me...what are theses?." Dean asked showing him the symbols. "I don't understand. You said this had something to do with Angela." Dr. Mason says

"It does. Please, just humor me." Dean said to him
He looked up to the Winchester's then back at the symbols.
"They're part of an Ancient Greek divination ritual." He explains to them
"Used for necromancy, right?" Dean says
"That's right." The man confirms.
"See, before we came over here, we stopped by the library and did a little homework. Apparently, they use rituals like this one for communicating with the dead. Even bringing corpses back to life, full -on zombie action." Dean says,

"Yeah. I mean, according to the legends. Now, what's this all about?" Dr. Mason asked
"I think you know." Dean tells him
"Dean, " Sam says trying to warn him.
"Look, I get it. Okay? There are people that I would give anything to see again. But what gives you the right?" Dean asked

"Dean." Darcey says this time.
"What?" Mason asked confused
"What's dead should stay dead." Dean says raising his voice.
"Stop it." Darcey tells him strongly, but he ignores both his siblings
"What you brought back..isn't even your daughter anymore. Theses things are vicious. They're violent. They're so nasty, they rot the ground. I mean? Come on, haven't you seen pet sematary?" Dean continues, his voice never lowering

"You're insane." Dr. Mason says As he walked over to the phone.
"Where is she?" Dean asked
"Get out of my house." He tells them as he dials. Dean then grabs the phone out of the man's hand. "I know you're hiding him somewhere. Where is she?" Dean asked again
Darcey nudged Sam to go grab they're brother, knowing he would be more use then she would be against Dean.
"Dean, that's enough. Dean, look. Beautiful, living plants." Sam says to him while holding his arm.
Dean removed his arm from Sam and Darcey followed him out.
"I'm calling the police."
"Sir? We're sorry. We won't bother you again." Sam tells him leaving with his siblings.

Walking down the steps to the car, Sam says to Dean, "what the hell is that matter with you?"
"Back off." Dean says
"That man is innocent. He didn't deserve that." Sam said
"Sam's right, there was no need for that." Darcey says, almost tripping over the last step because of how fast they were walking down them.
"Alright, so maybe he's keeping her somewhere else." Dean says continuing with his theory that it's Dr.Mason.

"Stop it. That's enough, okay? Enough." Sam says fed up with how Dean has been acting lately, to be honest, Darcey was too, it was starting to scare her, and she could be scared of Dean, she just couldn't.
"Sam, I know what I'm doing."

"No, you don't. Not at all." Sam told him.
"Dean,  I don't scare easy? But you're scaring the crap out of me, and Darcey." Sam says.
"Don't be dramatic Sam, and Darcey is afraid of almost everything." Dean said.
Darcey was take back by his words, she knew that about her self, and she usually had Dean helping her get over that,
but there was a time and place to say things like that and now, even out of anger, was not the time.

"You're lucky this turned out to be a case. Because if it wasn't, you would've found something else to kill." Sam says as they stop walking.
"You're on edge. You're erratic. Except for when you're hunting. Because then you're downright scary. You're tailspinning, man. And you refuse to talk about it, and you won't let me or Darcey help you. " Sam tells him
The brothers now face to face with Darcey next to Sam. "I can take care of myself, thanks." Dean says as they begin to walk again.

"No, you can't." Darcey said, knowing that it was true.
"And you know what? You're the only one who thinks you should have to. You don't have to handle this on your own. No one can." Sam says.
"If you bring up Dad's death one more time—" Dean starts
"Stop. Please. Dean, it's killing you. Please." Sam starts
"We've already lost Dad. We lost mom. I've lost Jessica, we almost lost Darcey.
And now we're going to lose you too?" Sam says questing him.

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