Chapter 66- Family You Never Had

Start from the beginning

"It's going to be okay buddy" She assures him but part of her knew that it wasn't okay because Carrie and Jeffrey couldn't get out of The Sacred Eternal Flame Coven until they had finished all their hours which they hadn't done. Alisha wraps her arm around Danny's back and holds onto the side of his right shoulder and walks him back home.

Present- Danny's Chambers-

Danny gets up off his bed and heads out of his room with his phone and keys in his pocket along with his wallet even though he knows he doesn't need it. The past few weeks for him has been difficult trying to adjust to having his mum and dad back in his life again and he was struggling, he didn't admit it to his friends because he didn't want to worry them but he went so long expecting never to see them again that now they are here he doesn't know how to act or what to say around them which isn't the usual Danny that everyone knows and loves but he carried on trying to figure it on his own but secretly his parents knew how hard it was for him to have them in his lives again and toke a small step back to give him space.

Danny walks out into the courtyard which is practically empty as most student are in their classes unless they have a free period. Danny walks over to the bench his mum, Dad and Aunt were all sitting at. Alisha gives him a smile when she sees him and opens her arms to him which he reluctantly accept a hug from her. Jeffrey, Carrie and Alisha are all wearing black sportswear as they have been leading some of the training lessons.

"Not been up to mischief i hope?" Alisha jokes to him and he sits down on the bench beside her while his parents are sat in front of him.

"Not today" Danny shakes his head truthfully, If he was asked if he was late for class this morning because him and Alice decided to stay in bed together the answer would have been different.

"How are you?" Carrie asks him concerned for her son

"I'm alright, and you all?" Danny asks the question back to them

"Good" Jeffrey answers nodding his head still finding it a bit of adjustment to be free although they aren't exactly free. Alisha nods her head in agreement and Danny raises his eyebrows at her

"You sure you are good because ever since you got here you haven't been the same person i remember, was it really that bad out there?" Danny questions her feeling confused having not been there himself

"It wasn't bad" Alisha shakes her head "I actually had it quite easy, really easy to be honest" Alisha replies to him and look at her sister and brother in law who she knows has struggled over the years then starts feeling guilty again because while they were off doing their jobs, Alisha was sleeping with Alfonso behind their backs.

"Am i missing something?" Danny asks feeling left out of the loop

"Let's just say i did things your mum might not have" Alisha tells him thinking of Alfonso but she doesn't regret one minute of it.

"I didn't say i didn't agree with it, i just said it was dangerous" Carrie corrects her

"Come on it couldn't have been that bad" Danny shrugs his shoulders not understanding the big deal

"She left with the boss and it could have got her killed" Jeffrey blurts out making it known that they all know what happened

" That's her choice, no one can stop her" Danny replies sticking up for Alisha

"Even if it got her killed would you still stand by that statement?" Carrie questions him confused

"At the end of the day it's her decision and if she gets killed because of it then it is her own fault" Danny expresses his opinion on the matter thinking that it should be the person's decision on what they do with their body and no one else's.

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