Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead

Start from the beginning

Justin looks at Ophelia and watches her get out the car and walk away, he looks back into the park at Kathryn. He thought about everything he lost when Ophelia gave birth, he lost his daughter, he lost his best friend Ophelia who had his back the whole time at the Academy and he lost the love of his life Sarah because he was so caught up on Kathryn.

Present- 7.28am

Jesse's Chambers-

A shimmering glow rushes through the mirror that contains Jesse's dad stuart along with a shimmering glow all around the school.

"Hello" Stewart calls out finding that something strange is going on

" Stuart" Melissa ( Jesse's mum) calls out to him in ghost form as she stands in front of the mirror

"Melissa, what is going on?" Stuart asks her confused

"I have no idea" Melissa replies looking at the love of her life.

Stuart reaches out his hand and touches the glass which disappears in front of him allowing his hand through to the other side. He climbs out of the mirror no longer being trapped in side and looks at Melissa confused.

"What just happened?" Stuart asks looking at Melissa who is no longer afraid of him

"It would appear you are no longer trapped" Melissa answers him not sure how it is possible.

"Jesse?" Stuart says wondering if Jesse let him free

"I don't believe so" Melissa shakes her head no "We should go"

"I need to find Kathryn" Stuart pipes up as he runs through the door and out into the hallway where other ghosts have appeared looking confused as they call out to their loved one.

"Stuart" Melissa calls out to him

"We have to tell her" Stuart tells her not willing to leave without speaking to Kathryn and pops his head in every door he sees to check which room is hers.

Justin's Office- 7.28am

Justin is working away at his desk when he a shimmering golden glow come down on the school and shine through the windows and mirrors in his office, he looks around confused and places his pen down on his folder and walks over to the window and takes a look outside of it, he doesn't see anything unusual so turns around to head back to his desk when he seems them both standing there, Alexandra ( his mother) has her hands up to her mouth looking at him in shock while Fletcher ( his father) stands with a smile on his face. Justin doesn't understand what is going on and shakes it off as if he is just sleep deprived and stressed. He closes his eyes and rubs them thinking when he re-opens them they will be gone but when he opens his eyes they are still stood there.

"Well aren't you going to say hello" Alexandra says to Justin with a smile

"What's going on?" Justin instantly gets straight to the point realises that it can't be good if they are stood in front of him

"We don't know, we were partying it up in the skies then all of a sudden we were stood here in front of you" fletcher explains what he remembers

"Kathryn" Justin gasps and runs out the room immediately thinking it is a ploy to kill her

As Justin approaches Kathryn's Chamber avoiding all the other ghosts he hears a scream from inside and bangs on the door, he takes the keys out of his pocket and unlocks it. When he enters he sees Kathryn at the top of her bed with a gripped hold of a lamp in her hand as Catherine and Seth are stood to the left of her bed while Stuart and Melissa are stood at the very end of the bed all trying to talk to her.

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