three. geralt's p.o.v.

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Geralt looked to Jamie then back over to Stregobor as he thought over what the wizard had just told him, "Because you're hiding, Stregobor."

"How very clever of you, Witcher. Not often do we see your likeness here in Blaviken."

With a raised brow, Geralt shifted his posture a bit, "Not many of my likeness left."

Stregobor releases a chuckle, one that doesn't exactly make Geralt want to continue this conversation, "Hm. I'd offer my condolences, but I seem to remember that Witchers don't feel anything."

Geralt didn't respond to him at all. This damn rumor had been following him everywhere. Scared humans spreading this absolute bullshit around just to dehumanize witchers even more. He had feelings, he knew what emotions were. But now, he no longer saw the point in arguing with those who believe this rumor to be true.

"I'm grateful destiny brought you to me."

This brought Geralt back to the conversation, stoically responding, "Marilka brought me to you."

"Oh, Marilka... Marilka works for me now and then on matters of great import-"

"Does that mean you find Geralt important?" Jamie finally says, breaking her own silence. Which made Geralt pause slightly himself but not look at her, "I mean you had Marilka fetch him, I'm assuming. So that means you specifically wanted him here."

Geralt barely knew this kid but she was far smarter than he originally expected, especially with how odd she acted. He had already deduced what she had claimed but in no way was he expecting her to catch along like this, "You don't want my monster. You want me to kill yours."

"Very clever." Stregobor said, but only aiming this statement to Geralt, ignoring Jamie despite she was the first one to say this, "Indeed."

"What kind?"

"The worst kind." Stregobor paused, almost for dramatic effect, "The human kind. It's name is Renfri."

Already, Geralt didn't like this man, "Hm."

Stregobor could tell just by their displeased faces that he would need to further explain, "Destiny has many faces, Witcher. Mine, for example, is beautiful on the outside, but hideous on the inside. She has stretched her bloody talons towards me."

Geralt had practically sighed while listening to Stregobor, of course this man was being the way he was. But Geralt didn't want to play these kinds of games, "Wizards are all the same. You talk nonsense while making wise and meaningful faces. Speak normally."

A bubbly hum came from Jamie, which almost caused Geralt himself to crack into a small grin, "That's another way to get someone to cut to the chase."

Growing sour, Stregobor made his illusion disappear, "Have you ever heard of the... Curse of the Black Sun?"

"No." Jamie jumped in, sounding as though she was pushing her voice on purpose, "But you're going to tell us anyway so why ask if we knew it?"

Geralt looked down to Jamie, quite amused with her spunk but gave her a harsh gaze as though to tell her to shut the fuck up.

"First full eclipse in 1,200 years-" Stregobor went on with a heated glare and tensed jaw, "It marked the imminent return of Lilit, demon goddess of the night sent to exterminate the human race. According to the wise mage Eltibald, Lilit's path was to be prepared by sixty women wearing gold crowns who'd fill the river valleys with blood."

"Hm." Geralt leaned his body against the foundation of a pillar, poking fun at the wizard now, "Doesn't rhyme. All good predictions rhyme." His statement made Jamie cover her mouth, as though to refrain herself from laughing.

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