Chapter XVII

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"I honestly wasn't thinking," Rey says as you eat. "I wanted answers from him. I wanted to know why he took you and how he knew your power before I did. I still don't understand how he knew before me..."

"Because I didn't want you to know," you answer.

"But how is it possible for you to hide your power from me?"

"It's not as hard as you'd think but you've also got to remember that when we first started dating, you had no idea that you were Force-sensitive and when you discovered it, you were still learning so picking up on my Force wouldn't have crossed your mind. As I said before, I wanted to protect you and I wanted you to focus on your own self-discovery."

"He was going to turn you to the Dark Side. He was going to turn you against everyone. He believed that you'd be unstoppable and that the three of us could rule the galaxy together."

"We could," you say and it earns you a concerned look from Rey. "But it's not going to happen. The galaxy isn't meant to be ruled - it's meant to be shared and lived in with peace. The First Order believes that peace will only be brought about by their hand. It'll bring peace only to them because they'll have full control and dominate everyone and everything. Kylo wants to carry out Vader's task and he believes that we can help him."

"He's wrong."

"I know he's wrong but you're thinking about what he said more than you should, aren't you?"

Rey sighs. "There's been a lot to take in. When I fought him in the operating room on Coruscant, I saw you transform into a Sith. I saw your future and it frightened me. That was the worst part about it all is that I could see it happening."

"Can you still see it?"

"Yes," she nods and you can feel her shame. "I can see anything I put my mind to but whether or not it happens... I know you won't turn to the Dark Side but if you did, you would be unstoppable."

"I don't want you to think about that because I'm never turning."

"If I didn't come to get you, do you think you would have turned? You said that he read Sith texts to you and tried to brainwash you."

"Yes, he did but I wouldn't have turned. I would have fought. I would have fought until it killed me. I'd rather die before I turn to the Dark Side. I hope you didn't believe everything he told you."

"Of course not."

"I wish you would have waited... I wish you would have just come to me instead of turning to him."

"I'm sorry, Stars. I truly am." Rey slips her hand onto your thigh and rubs it gently. "I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be. I shouldn't have contacted him and I can understand why you think I betrayed you. I'd feel the same way. Well, I DID feel the same way when you told me you were a Gray Jedi."

"Yes, but you could have potentially put everyone's lives at risk by connecting with him."

"I know," she hangs her head briefly. "I won't do it again. Not at the base."

"I don't like you contacting him no matter where you are."

"I know you don't but sometimes I can't control it. He contacts me and it's hard to stop it."

"You have to learn how to stop it, Rey. It's dangerous."

"I know." Rey hangs her head again, looking down at her half-eaten meal, which is unlike her.

Rey always eats everything she's given and you can tell just how upset she is due to what's left on her tray. You sigh softly and place your hand on top of hers.

"I say these things because I care and because I worry," you explain. "If anything happened to you, Rey, I would never forgive myself. You're an invaluable member of the Resistance but you're also my love and my life. We've come so far together and I'm not going to let him take that away."

"I'm not either. I love you too much for that to happen."

"I love you, too. Just... please, don't do anything rash next time, okay? If you're mad at me, just wait then come and talk to me. Don't turn to him for answers."

"I won't. I'm truly sorry, Stars. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry for turning to him and I'm sorry for being so angry and rash about everything that's happened within the past few days."

"That's okay, honey. Thank you." You kiss her head then put your arm around her for a sideways hug. "Come on, eat the rest of your lunch."

Rey nods and does as told. "I don't suppose you know where that Miya girl ran off to, do you?"

You chuckle. "As far away from you as she could is my guess. Why do you ask?"

"I think I should apologise to her."

"I think you should, too. You scared her half to death."

"I know and I'm not proud of it but you know how I get when it comes to you."

"Yes, I do." You kiss her head again because you DO know how Rey gets.

Rey is so protective over you in so many ways. Whenever you go on missions together she always keeps you close and makes sure you're okay. You believe that she cares more about you than the mission as do others. Now that you're openly a Gray Jedi, she might loosen the reins a little but this is Rey so who knows.

When it comes to people potentially flirting with you or actually making advances on you, Rey has a zero-tolerance policy for it. You are hers and it's as simple as that. Rey has worked hard for the two of you to have such a strong relationship and she's not going to let anyone take that away from her. When Rey gets in that jealous/possessive state, it's very hard for her to listen to reason or think logically and it usually ends up with Rey getting aggressive with the person who is hitting on you so you have to step in to stop it.

You don't mind too much though. When Rey gets like that it shows you how much she cares about you and Rey feels the same way when you get jealous. However, when you get jealous you're more passive-aggressive. Your usual go-to is to humiliate the person hitting on your girlfriend by insulting them or making them fall over or something like that so they get the message. Rey finds it super sexy and often ends up making out with you because of it. Either way, you both love each other very much and you don't like taking chances when it comes to people flirting with either of you.

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