Chapter XVI

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Rey still feels terrible about what happened between you two the night before. She hated falling asleep without you, knowing that you were mad at her. She wishes she could turn back time and stop herself from contacting Kylo Ren. You were right - he could have discovered the location of your base and ended the Resistance for good. The thought sends chills down Rey's spine but she pushes the thought aside and focuses on trying to find you.

She hasn't seen you all day and she wants to talk to you. She's had a lot of time to think and she knows she has to make it right with you. She hates fighting and she wants to put everything behind her so you can carry on with your relationship. You came back from the dead and Rey STILL hasn't had any proper alone time with you and time to show you how much she missed you and how much she loves you.

"Hey, Finn, have you seen Stars?" Rey asks, having failed to find you for the past half an hour.

"Ah... Not for a while..." Finn sticks his tongue out as he concentrates on mending a broken blaster.

"Where did you last see her?"

"In the canteen eating breakfast. She was up early then went off to train. Perhaps she's still doing that?"

"No, she isn't. I've searched the forest and she's not there."

"Perhaps she's working on something then? She's is a mechanic after all... Wait... Is she?" Finn turns to Rey quizzically. "Or now that she's a Gray Jedi she has to focus on that instead?"

"She's still a mechanic, Finn," Rey laughs. "She's always been a Gray Jedi. The only difference now is that she's not hiding it anymore."

"Okay, phew! I was worried that we lost one of our best mechanics."

"You don't need to worry about that."

"Good. Anyway, I haven't seen her. I'd search the docking bays. She's probably working on something. There's never a shortage of things to fix around here."

"You've got that right. Thanks, Finn."

"No problem."

As suggested, Rey heads over to the docking bays and starts searching for you and she almost calls it when she fails to find you again but she stops when she sees you at the end working on an X-Wing. Her heart begins to hammer in her chest at the sight of you and she immediately starts to practice her apology in her head; an apology she spent hours working on.

Taking a nervous breath, Rey approaches you but stops when she sees Miya by your side. Rey hasn't seen the woman before but watches as she interacts with you and she's all bright eyes and wide smiles for you. Miya is underneath the X-Wing while you hand her tools and Miya hits her head when she goes to look at you. You laugh, checking if she's okay and you help her up but she stumbles on some tools and ultimately, tumbles into your arms. You're both a giggling mess at this stage and you don't care that you look like a pair of complete idiots.

You put your hand on her head, making sure that where she hit it is okay, which she tells you it is. She tells you that she's always been clumsy but doesn't take away the fact that she's a good mechanic. All of this happens when Miya is practically resting against your chest with your hands on her arms, almost holding - embracing - her but more importantly, it happens when Rey is watching and every second she watches causes her anger and jealousy to rise.

Rey tightens her fists, clenching her jaw as her eyes practically burn holes into Miya's skull. Rey isn't one to get jealous and if she does, it takes quite a bit for it to happen but because you've been fighting, it only takes the slightest thing to set Rey off and this happens to be one of them. Rey knows you won't betray her and your relationship. She knows that you love her but right now, she's cautious and the sight of you having fun with another woman whilst you're in the midst of a fight makes her blood boil.

In the past, Rey hasn't cared when you have fun with others with or without her. She trusts you and she knows that people respect your relationship but she hasn't met Miya before. She has no idea who she is and because of that, she doesn't trust her. Everyone in the Resistance knows that you and Rey are dating but because Miya is new, the probability of her knowing is slim and that doesn't sit well with Rey. She's smiling at you as if you're the most fascinating person she has ever come across and she looks rather besotted by you, in Rey's opinion anyway. Deep down Rey is aware that her thoughts are highly irrational but she's too engulfed by her jealousy to care or think logically and realistically.

Rey continues to watch the two of you interact and it doesn't help her insecurities, which causes her to march over to you and practically tear you two apart.

"Did you want to stop touching her like that?" Rey snaps, glaring at the shorter woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We were just-"

"I don't care what you were doing. You don't touch her like that."

"Whoa! Rey!" You step in, putting your hands on her shoulders and try to gain her attention but she's still glaring at Miya. "You need to calm down. We were just fixing an X-Wing."

"Oh, really? Is that what you call it?" Her eyes meet yous and you can see the anger and jealousy in them.

"Rey, this is Miya," you begin. "She's new here and she's helping me fix the X-Wing. She means no harm, alright?"

"Should, should I go?" Miya asks worriedly.

"Yes, you should," Rey snaps and Miya hurries off within a split-second.

"Rey!" You snap. "What the heck is wrong with you? She didn't do anything wrong!"

"Oh, really? So her smiling at you, gazing at you, and falling into your arms like a damsel in distress is okay?"

You roll your eyes and sigh. "Rey, that's not how it was."

"It wasn't? Then tell me what it was then."

"She was helping me fix up the X-Wing then bumped her head and fell forward because of it. I caught her and tried to make light of the situation because she was embarrassed. I told her that it was fine and made sure that she was okay because she hit her head pretty hard and that's when you came along. There was nothing malicious about it."

Rey purses her lips then folds her arms. She knows she's in the wrong but she's still angry. Even though you're fighting, you love it when Rey gets jealous. It's super hot and sexy and it does all sorts of things to you but now is NOT the time to be thinking those things.

"I think we need to talk," you say. "Don't you think?"

Rey nods. "Yes."

"Let's talk over lunch. I need a break anyway."

Rey nods again then walks with you to the canteen.

Truth - Rey x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя