Chapter XXIV

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You don't know how you do it. You really don't but you boil it down to Rey. You have to return to her. You're not sure how long you were unconscious for but when you woke, you felt Rey's life force deplete. You gathered your strength and began the treacherous journey out of the dark abyss and back into the throne room. Once you reach the surface, you see Rey's body lying on the ground with her lightsaber and yours that she used to destroy Palpatine beside her. The throne room is in ruins as ash now rests where the throne once stood. You hobble over to Rey, frequently collapsing on the way, your body aching and your head throbbing but you push through.

You finally reach your love who is still unconscious. You grab her and hold her and then, you are met with a sight you never thought nor wanted to see - the love of your life dead in your arms. Her skin is dirty yet pale. Her eyes are empty and lifeless. Her Force energy is absent. Rey is gone. Looking into Rey's eyes, you remember your blissful times back on Jakku. You remember when you met, when you began scavaging together, when you fell in love, when you joined the Resistance... all of it. The memories are bittersweet and you wish you could turn back time and remain in Jakku. You wouldn't have joined the Resistance but at least Rey would still be with you. Now that she is gone, you feel your whole world shrink into nothing.

Tears fill your eyes as your heart cracks in half and shatters. You pull Rey into you and sob. Your love is gone and now, you have nothing. You weren't there for her. You failed to protect her. You didn't try hard enough. Rey is gone because of you. You begin to resent yourself and wonder if not taking the Sith throne was a bad decision. If you did, you would still have Rey. A million thoughts rush through your mind until one thought - one IDEA - surfaces. You are unsure if it will work but you are willing to try anything if it means Rey will come back to you.

Sitting back, you place your hand on Rey's abdomen and close your eyes. You draw your life force and ever so slowly, transfer it into Rey. It takes all of your concentration and all of your strength to perform the task but you're not giving up. You give everything you can and just when you think it's not working, you feel a trusted hand on top of yours. Your eyes open and you see Rey come back to life where her gaze meets yours. She sits up, amazed that she's alive and that you are with her. You feel like you could cry again. Your newly cracked heart begins to tape up as Rey smiles at you and reaches out to touch your face.


You simply smile at her and get lost in her perfect, beautiful, and pure gaze. You are on the verge of crumbling again until Rey surges forward and kisses you fully. You accept it and hold her close. The kiss is passionate, full of love, and you feel content. Rey breaks away and looks at you, her smile wide and gorgeous. Your own smile broadens as you adore the woman before you, still amazed that your transfer worked. You try to speak to Rey but you don't have the strength to do so. In fact, you don't have the strength to do anything. Unfortunately, you feel your body grow weak rapidly. Your smile fades and Rey's diminishes as she watches the colour drain from your face. You never take your eyes off of Rey. You take in everything you can about her one last time before your eyes shut and you collapse.

Rey holds onto you so your head hits the ground softly. She leans over you and feels that your energy has gone - YOU'RE gone.

"No... Stars... Stars!" Rey shakes you but you don't respond. "No, Stars! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!"

Now, it's Rey's turn to self-loathe. She bursts into tears and weeps over your body. The pain she experienced once before when you left her washes over her like a tidal wave and it crushes her. Rey holds onto you, clutching at your robes as her tears soak into them. She can feel your body begin to cool. She can no longer feel or hear your heartbeat. So many nights Rey fell asleep listening to your heartbeat that soothed her into a peaceful slumber but no longer. Rey will never hear the sound again.

"Stars... My love... Don't leave me... Don't leave me alone... I can't do this without you... I love you so much..." Rey raises her head and looks at you then kisses you softly, her tears staining your face. "You're my everything, Stars... I have never loved someone as much as you and I never will... I will never leave you... Be with me, Stars..." Rey reaches for your hand and kisses it before holding it to her chest. "You'll always be with me..." Rey kisses your hand again and that's when she acquires a thought - bizarre but practical. "Be with me..."

The Jedi places your hand on your chest with hers never leaving it. She closes her eyes and begins to channel into a side of the Force that she has never been before - the Gray Side.

"Be with her... Be with her... Please... Be with her... Bring her back to me... Bring her back..."

Rey focuses all of her energy and strength into reaching out to the Gray Side of the Force and soon enough, the voices of past Gray Jedi begin to echo in your mind. They call out your name, giving your their strength, giving you hope and power, they encourage you, and then, you hear a voice that calls out your true name, who you REALLY are - the voice of your ancestor.

"Rise, my kin... Rise for you are more powerful than I ever could be... You are a Gray Jedi - powerful and whole. Rise!"

Suddenly, air fills your lungs as it brings you back to life. You grip Rey's hand and the woman looks at you, feeling the warmth return to your body and your bond repair.

"Stars!" Rey sobs with relief. "Stars!" Rey laughs with joy. "Come back to me, my love. Wake up. Please, wake up." Rey raises your hand to her mouth to kiss it then rubs her thumb along it.

Rey's touch brings you back into reality as your body begins to find its strength but this time, you feel a strength in you that is different to what you once had. Now, you feel far more powerful and connected to the Gray Side of the Force. You feel whole and secure. You feel like a TRUE Gray Jedi and when you open your eyes, Rey is taken aback for now, instead of looking into your eyes that she is so accustomed to, Rey falls into a pair of bright-gray eyes, intimidating yet alluring.

"Stars?" She checks. "Is that you?

Your eyes focus on Rey and you sit up and examine her carefully. She looks rather worried but you hold her hand close as you feel your body fully restore its strength and feel your heartbeat sync with Rey's.

"Yes," you answer. "It's me."

"Your eyes... They're lighter... Gray."

"That of a true Gray Jedi."

Rey smiles adoringly at you and you reach out to wipe away her tears. You keep your hand on her cheek as your thumb rubs against her skin. Rey closes her eyes, focusing on your touch that grounds her.

"I thought I lost you," she utters.

"I thought I lost you."

Rey opens her eyes and holds her hand on yours and smiles. "I love you."

"I love you, too, darling. I love you more than all the stars in this galaxy and the next."

With a beaming grin, Rey draws you to her for a kiss and this time, your life force connects with one another, restoring to its full and proper power, and you both know that everything is finally going to be okay.

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