Chapter X

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It's been days since you've spoken to Rey. It's been days since you've seen her. You can still feel that she is angry with you and you wish that she would come and talk to you. Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, and Leia have been your most frequent visitors and part of you believes that Rey will visit you but she never does. Thankfully, the doctor says that you can return to your quarters and get back into your daily routine but to go easy on yourself because you DID, quite literally, come back from the dead.

You're glad to be out of the medical bay and back in your quarters but you feel as if you're not welcome. This is the space you share with Rey - your girlfriend - who is STILL mad at you. It feels as if you haven't been in here in months. You sit down on the bed, feeling the sheets that you miss so much. The room is clean as usual and it smells of Rey - a scent that you've missed dearly and desire to fall asleep with as you take Rey into your arms at night. However, you fear that might not be possible any time soon. You can still feel Rey's anger towards you and it hurts with each passing moment.

Your thoughts are soon interrupted when Leia enters your quarters. You go to stand but she immediately raises her hand.

"Don't get up," she says. "Rest."

"Thank you but I've been resting for days now..."

"And so you should! You were brought back from the dead, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around."

"You and me both..." You sigh then begin to fiddle with the woven bracelet on your wrist.

You quickly think back to the time Rey made it for you years ago. It was only after a few weeks you started dating that she made it for you and you haven't taken it off since.

"What's wrong?" Leia sits next to you, looking at you curiously.

"Rey," you answer simply. "She knows and she's not happy about it. I should have told her as you said... but I couldn't. I haven't seen her in days. I miss her but I don't know what to do."

"You need to talk to her."

"I know I do but she doesn't want to talk to me. She hasn't even come to visit me since I woke up."

"What are you afraid of the most?"

"Losing Rey. It's always been about her. I can't lose her. I knew this would happen."

"Knew what would happen?"

"This. Her being angry at me. What if she never wants to talk to me again? What if she leaves me? I can't live without her..."

"I think you're overthinking things, honey," Leia places her hand on yours. "Rey loves you. She loves you dearly. You have come a long way together and I doubt this incident will suddenly change that."

"I kept something from her ever since we met. I kept my true identity from her and now I wish that I didn't."

"But you did it to protect her. Why would you want to go back and not do that?"

"I'll always protect Rey. Always. She's angry at me and she doesn't want to talk to me."

"She wouldn't have gone through so much to bring you back only to reject you."

"You don't know that."

"Oh, but I do. The love that you and Rey share doesn't just go away. Yes, Rey is angry and she has the right to be but you need to fix it. You need to talk to her and explain everything to her. Once she calms down, she'll listen."

"Once she calms down... Who knows how long that'll be."

"Well, she's been training for hours on end ever since you woke up so she's bound to be exhausted."

"I hope so... What do you think?"

"Of what?"

"Of me."

Leia smiles softly and gently squeezes your hand. "You're a valuable person in the Resistance and we're so lucky to have you. I don't think you're a bad person. I don't think that you'll turn on us. I think you care very much about the Resistance and I think you'd do anything for it and I think you'd do anything for Rey, which you have clearly proven recently. I know your heart and I know that it's true."

"But what about me being a Gray Jedi?"

"I think you're very wise and clever. I think you love dearly and are very protective. Out of all the chances you had to turn to the Dark Side, you didn't. We all fear something and that's what makes us who we are. The Sith say that being afraid is weak but it's not - it drives us to protect the ones we love and fight for what's right. I think it's very brave of you to continue on the path of the Gray Jedi. I always knew that you were special in many ways."

"Thank you," you say genuinely because you really needed to hear that. "I just hope Rey feels the same way."

"There's only one way to find out."

You peer up at Leia who gives you a comforting and reassuring smile before placing a tender kiss on your forehead.

"Now, go get her."

"Thank you." You part with a smile and you leave your quarters, determined to win back your girl.

You're quite anxious about talking with Rey but you have to do it. You have to clear the air and try to make things right between the two of you. It's going to be hard - there's no doubt about it - but again, you have to try. Rey is your world and you can't stand the thought of losing her over something such as this. Yes, this is big but it shouldn't come between the two of you. 

You and Rey have been in a lot of predicaments and you'd like to think that this is hardly a predicament at all but it is to Rey so you treat it with the utmost care. You hope that Rey will listen to you and hope that she will forgive you. Rey is a very forgiving person, especially when it comes to you but you've never been in this situation before so it's hard to tell.

No matter what happens between you and Rey, you will always love her and you will do anything for her because she has your heart and she always will. That is something that is completely out of your control and unlike other things out of your control, this one, you don't mind at all.

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