Chapter I

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Being overrun by the First Order isn't the highlight of your day but these things are bound to happen. You, Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, and several other rebels were on a mission to infiltrate a secret First Order base but it was a trap. Swarms upon swarms of stormtroopers enclosed on you as well as some Knights of Ren. You're currently fighting them off but you know you have to leave. Poe and Finn are doing their best to get everyone back on the Falcon while you, Rey, and Chewbacca hold the militia off the best you can. Rey is exercising her powers to their full extent to keep everyone safe and you're doing what you can to keep everyone safe, especially Rey that is until...

"Rey, look out!" You shout when a Knight approaches Rey and swings their sword at her.

Rey deftly turns around, ducking and slicing her saber through their stomach. You're more than impressed with her skills and you signal her to return to the Falcon once everyone else is on board. Rey sprints to the spacecraft, checking that everyone is safe, which Finn concurs.

"Come on, Stars!" Rey calls out your pet name as you're both hurrying to the Falcon.

"I'm right behind you! Go!"

You make sure Rey gets on the Falcon before you because you'll never forgive yourself if something happens to her. She rushes onto the Falcon then turns around to make sure you're behind her and you're close to the Falcon but a sharp pain piercing through the left side of your body stops you, causing you to collapse to your knees.

"No!" You hear the cry of Rey and Finn.

You then hear Chewbacca yell and shoot the stormtrooper who shot you. You quickly look down at the wound and see that it's merely a graze but it hurts nonetheless. Fighting through the pain, you grip your side and push yourself up. You need to get to the Falcon. The stormtroopers aren't stopping and if you stay here any longer, you'll all be dead.

"Look out!" Finn tells you.

You spin around and see a Knight approach you, so you are quick to your feet, grabbing an electric staff from one of the fallen stormtroopers and use it to protect you against the Knight. The Knight is strong, proficient, and forceful and your wound prevents you from performing at your best but you've trained for moments like these. You are one of the best fighters in the Resistance and nothing frightens you, except for Rey getting hurt. That's the only thing that worries you the most but you always hold faith and hope in her. She is strong and can look after yourself but you will never cease to stop worrying about your girlfriend.

The Knight shows no mercy toward you and you know they are out to kill you. Your survival instincts automatically take control and even though you are wounded, your mind focuses on surviving. The longer you stand and fight, the more reinforcements from the First Order arrive. You need to leave but you know as soon as you turn your back on the Knight, you will die. You have to defeat them in order to survive and escape. However, in the midst of your fighting, you look past the Knight and spot  Rey, Finn, and Chewbacca exit the Falcon to pick off the Stormtroopers.

"No, get back on the Falcon!" You order, continuing to fight the Knight.

"No! We're coming to get you!" Rey bellows.

You alternate between looking over at Rey and fighting the Knight and you become increasingly worried when more stormtroopers arrive. Rey needs to get back on the Falcon. You can't have anything happen to her. She needs to be safe. If she's not safe then you're not safe.

"Rey, don't! Go! Just-"

You turn to Rey but automatically freeze when the Knight pierces you with their blade, straight through your stomach. The blade goes all the way through you and the Knight continues to push it until your gut is meeting the handle. Suddenly, everything goes quiet except for your breathing and heartbeat that is now pounding in your ears. You look at the Knight and you are confident they are smirking at you behind their helmet. They twist the blade in you and the pain is excruciating and even more so when they abruptly rip it out. You instinctively cover your wound as blood spills everywhere. You quickly grow weak, causing your legs give out and you collapse to the ground.

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