Chapter XXV

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Returning to the Resistance base was far more perfect than you or Rey ever thought it would be. The base was celebrating more than it ever has before. The First Order is destroyed and now, people can live in harmony. You and Rey are greeted by many Resistance members, all of whom cheer and praise you for your efforts. As much as you appreciate the validation and admiration, you and Rey are on the lookout for those who have been with you all the way, and soon enough, you spot them.

The pair of you race over to Finn and Poe as you collide into a group hug that fills you from head to toe with love. You hold onto each other so tightly that nothing could break you apart. You never thought you would see your family again but here you are, encompassed by their love and support. The journey has been long, tiresome, trying, and unpredictable but you are all here, and most importantly, you're together. You wouldn't have it any other way. This is where you are meant to be and now, you have finally stepped into the person you were meant to be and you intend to be that person with Rey by your side. Without her, none of this would have been possible.

"Whoa," Poe utters as he catches your eyes. "What happened to you?"

You turn to Rey where you share a brief laugh and lace your fingers together.

"I'll tell you later," you respond.

"I think she looks great," Finn wraps his arm around Poe's waist and now, you and Rey are the ones taken aback.

"Umm, excuse me," Rey speaks. "When did this happen?"

"About five minutes ago," Finn answers.

"It's about time," you sigh.

"Stars!" Rey swats your arm, trying to maintain her laughter.

"It is, honey. These two have been dancing around each other ever since they met. It's been excruciating."

"Yeah, that's true," Rey nods.

"Hey! These things take time!" Poe defends.

"Yeah, and it wasn't like Poe was making it any easier for me. Not with his mood swings and all."

"Hey!" Poe shoves him. "You're not perfect either, mister!"

"Already fighting like husbands," you chuckle. "We really are in for a treat."

Rey giggles and snuggles into your side. "That's for sure."


"What's that, buddy?" You ask when BB-8 speaks to you. "Yes, my eyes will stay this colour... Why, don't you think it suits me? Well, thank you," you chuckle.

"Stars!" Rey calls from the Falcon's cockpit and you make your way over.

"Yes, my love?" You poke your head in.

"We're about to land."

"Okay. I'll finish up back here."

You leave Rey and wrap up some little repairs you've been doing on the Falcon and prepare for landing. Rey is a gentle pilot so landing is easy.

"Do you want me to stay here?" You ask once Rey joins you near the door.

"No. Come with me."


Rey presses the button to open the door, which leads you out onto sand dunes and hot, dry winds of Tatooine. Even though the suns are beginning to set, it is still hot. It reminds you of home. You look to your right and see a small house in the distance. Rey takes your hand and you walk towards it. Once you get close enough, you see a ditch that has covered what appears to be the courtyard area with sand. It's clear nobody has been here for a long time.

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