Chapter 20: Letters & Dreams

Start from the beginning

Twenty minutes later I pulled up to the parking lot of the wellness center. Auntie Sonya was standing outside near the door holding her cell phone in her hand. She hurried to my car when she saw me.

She pulled me into hug, holding me close and rocking me.

"Come. Let's go inside. Paulina has everything set up and waiting for you," Auntie Sonya told me. Her arm was around my waist as she led me indoors.

It was my first time in the maternity hallway. I entered the well-lit office, taking a seat on the paper covered examination table.

"Good evening Elle," Paulina greeted sitting on the rolling stool in front of me. "Dr. Robinson told me you've been experiencing some bleeding?"

I nodded and detailed everything I saw when I was preparing for my shower. She gave me a quick examination before having me change into a thin cloth gown.

Auntie Sonya started drifting in the chair that was tucked away in the corner of the office. I let her sleep, it was nearing midnight and unlike myself, she'd actually worked today.

I found myself laid back in the same position that I had been in the morning. My legs were outstretched and my feet were in stirrups. I tensed when Paulina inserted the transducer.

A blurry black and gray image popped on the monitor. Paulina eyebrows furrowed as she moved the wand.

"You see that small gray circle?" she questioned. I squinted at the monitor.

"Nope." Everything was fuzzy.

She smiled and clicked a switch. A rhythmic thumping noise filled the office. Auntie Sonya sat up in her chair with teary eyes.

"Is that my pulse?" I asked.

Both Auntie Sonya and Paulina erupted in light laughter. My glance switched between the both of them who were still staring at the screen.

Paulina clicked buttons making three yellow dots appear on the screen. "You said that you're about 9 weeks along but your baby is measuring at half an inch long. The heartbeat is strong which tells me that your angel is alive and well but I am concerned about how small the embryo is." Auntie Sonya lightly placed her hand on the top of my stomach.

"So what about the bleeding?"

"It's common for many women to experience some bleeding due to the cervical changes that occur during the early stages of their pregnancy. However, the cramps can be a sign of something more serious. I advise you to go on bed rest and come back in two weeks for another ultrasound. If your cramps and bleeding get worse, don't hesitate to call me."

Auntie Sonya held my hand with a bright smile on her face. She wiped at her eyes and hugged me. "Congratulations Elle," she whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her back.

This baby was unshakable. There was no getting rid of it. Intentionally or unintentionally I couldn't escape it.

I'm going to be a mommy.

What the hell?

-2 Months Later (February)-

•Rick's POV•

The uncomfortable white armchair squeezed me as I sat in the office. It was overly cushioned probably because women normally sat in these types of sessions. I exhaled and rubbed my forehead.

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