♀️ Scrappy Guitarist (Open)

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<<C L O T H I N G>>

<<C L O T H I N G>>

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<<P E R S O N A L I T Y>>Nyx can come off as rude, snappy and aggressive

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<<P E R S O N A L I T Y>>
Nyx can come off as rude, snappy and aggressive. Her best weapon is sarcasm, and she's short tempered. She's tough and knows street survival skills. Her rudeness though is just a shield because she doesn't want to get hurt. She can be nice, and is a pretty loving girlfriend. She's extremely artistic and has a great musical ear. She hates getting teased about for her cat features and will go off on you for that. If you genuinely like her music and tip her that's a good way to begin to be her friend. She's super protective of those she cares about, and is cuddly.

<<F L A W S>>
Quick to snap and has a short temper, very defensive, talks about death in a casual manner, often seems detached from other people's emotions, jealous easily and clingy and possessive, starts fights a lot.

<L I K E S>>
Food, her guitar, music, parkour, getting tips, girls, a nice place to stay, flannels, punk fashion, alt rock, psychedelic rock, tie-die, round sunglasses, Gorillaz, milk, fish

<<D I S L I K E S>>
Being homeless, people stealing her tips, her ex girlfriend

<<O C C U P A T I O N>>

<<R E S I D E N C E>>
Currently homeless, is sensitive about it.

<<F A M I L Y>>
Totally unkown, was abandoned

<<P E T S>>

<<B A C K S T O R Y>>
Nyx was abandoned as a child, having no clues of where her parents were. She got bounced from foster home to foster home until one got so annoyed with her that they just kicked her to the streets instead of returning her. She lived on the streets and then later she lived in her girlfriend's apartment until they broke up, and so she's homeless again. She plays guitar for tips downtown.

<<T H E M E>>



1. You really like the music of this girl who plays guitar across from your work and you often secretly watch her when she's playing from the porch (because you work at a cafe). One time you here her suddenly stop playing, look at her guitar in disbelief and sit down on the curb, tears running down her face. "Shit, shit, shit!"

2. You've started a band, and you need a guitarist. Walking downtown one day, you here someone beautifully playing Sultans of Swing (which is a super hard guitar solo) and turn around to see Nyx playing.

3. It's raining, and you have an umbrella and you are walking down the street. You see a soaking wet cat girl on the street corner, but she keeps on playing guitar even though she's sniffling and sneezing. Someone runs up and snatches her jar of coins and runs. "What the hell?!" She screams, and sets down her guitar and chases after them, but not too far into the chase she slips in a puddle and falls on her face, her clothes now soaked.

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