Chapter 29. It's Over

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(Death. Curse word, but it's used as a place not a curse word)

POV: Grian
Location: The Nether, Over a Lava pit

I winced as Biffa slammed into the wall. That didn't sound good at all. I shook my head, looking down to where Xisuma was. He saw me, but didn't say anything as he knew Notch hadn't seen him.

I used my magic and slowly pulled Xisuma up and out of the danger. It took longer than usual because my magic was already drained.

When he safely stepped back into the hall, I slumped against the wall, exhausted.

"Come on, Grian." Xisuma gasped, stumbling forward. He regained his footing and started to drag me along by my wrist.

"We have to help." He continued.

"Xisuma-" I weakly exhaled.

"Grian we have to-"

"Xisuma. What if we can't defeat Notch? What if our luck ran out after Herobrine?" I asked. He stopped, turning to look at me with a hard look in his eyes.

"No negative thoughts. We have to protect Minecraft with everything we've got." He encouraged, kicking a door open. It slammed into the wall, revealing another room that was full of potions. Xisuma quickly made his way towards the pink potions. He stole them off the wall and splashed them onto the floor. The shards went everywhere, but both of us were at full health now.

Xisuma and I nodded to each other, jogging out the fortress. The hall we were in lead directly to the outside. I pushed the door open, running to a safe place away from the lava. Xisuma followed me, breathing heavily through his helmet.

Steve was single-handedly fighting Notch, but I knew that if we didn't help him, Steve would be joining his brother.

Notch turned to us, narrowing his eyes. He wiped... black blood from his lips. He disappeared from sight. Both Xisuma and I cursed under our breath. Steve audibly swore, and we heard it as clear as day.

Suddenly, the creator of Minecraft appeared in front of me. A yell of pain ripped from my throat as Notch landed on me, knocking both of us to the ground. He was on top of me, pinning me to the floor. His black blood dripped onto me, making me recoil in disgust.

Notch blasted Xisuma and Steve into the cliff wall, farther away. They would never reach me in time.

Notch said nothing as he hastily took out an iron dagger. It's tip glowed.

"No no no no no NO NO!" I screamed. Notch held the dagger up in a reverse grip, a crazed look in his eyes. I tried to push him off, but he was literally twice my weight. I swore under my breath. The dagger was already coming down.

Notch was suddenly pulled off of me, kicked away with a powerful side kick. He was launched away, closer to Steve. I looked to my savior in surprise and great relief.

Hypixel exhaled, silver hair flopping on his head. His hood was down, and scars were flashing a bright golden color. I looked past him to see other admins and medics.

"You actually look like Hell." Hypixel said, pulling me up. I winced from all of my injuries.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in it." I manage to mutter back.

"What in the name of the Nether happened?"

"Later-" I dove out of the way, pulling Hypixel with me. The area both of us were just in blew up.

"Kill Notch." I say, using my obsidian sword to deflect a beam of white magic that missed Notch. I pulled Xisuma out of the way of an incoming beam of magic, and pushed Hypixel away as a sword with a glowing tip came my way. A large ball of glowing white magic came our way, since it didn't hit it's first target. Hypixel and I were blown backwards leaving us with very few hearts again.

I dragged Hypixel to his feet, dodging a glowing flying dagger.

"But-" Hypixel started, looking at me with uncertainty.

"Did you not see that Notch redirected that perma-death weapon towards us? What about the huge ball of light that Notch purposely dodged so we could get hit?" I asked, grunting as a medium sized piece of netherrack slammed into me.

"Yes, but-"

"Hypixel, who's the one that looks like a rainbow peed on them?" I say, impatient with him. To prove me point, I held up my arms that were stained with purple, red, golden, and black blood. Watcher, player and demon, Herobrine, and Notch's blood respectively.

Hypixel wrinkled his nose, leaning out of an arrow's way.

"You." He grumbled, turning to the other admins he had brought with him. It was a running joke between him and I. He hated me being right, and vice versa.

"And what do you think this substance is?" I continued. He was silent. He did not know, obviously.

"It's blood, now kill Notch before he kills us." I say, diving away from him to avoid another arrow. I was already low on hearts. Someone threw a healing potion at us, giving a few hearts but not enough. Hypixel looked horrified with the information I gave him.

Purple, golden, silver, and blue magic flew past me. Notch dodged, twisted, deflected, and ducked to avoid the magic.

He used large boulders of netherrack and flung them our way. Some admins were killed (not perma-death, thankfully) because they were squashed by the boulders.

After a few minutes, Notch was drained and tired. He had cuts and bruises all over the place. The admins were in a much better shape than he was.

Xisuma, Steve, and I were basically dead on our feet. We could barely keep our eyes open and barely use our magic. Heck, we couldn't even stand without stumbling.

As I fell onto the ground in exhaustion, I saw Notch dash forward.

Towards me.

As he was running, he slipped on a piece of broken glass, falling to the floor with a hard thud. Steve and I took that opportunity and staggered forward, holding our weapons out. We held him down with magic and force. Other admins helped us from a distance.

Notch tried to struggle, but it wasn't working at all. I grunted as Notch almost whacked me in the face. I pinned his arm to the floor, rolling my eyes. I took out an extra diamond dagger, struggling to keep Notch down.

Steve's bedrock sword glowed a bright white glow. Notch struggled more. However, we all knew that it was in vain.

"Grian-!" Steve gasped out. I nodded, knowing what he wanted me to do.

Steve and I stabbed him at the same time. Notch screamed in fury and pain, trying to get away from us.

After a few moments of constant struggles, Notch's form eventually stilled, glazed eyes staring at the ceiling. His body glowed black and white, before all traces of light faded. Yes, including the light in his eyes.

A pulse of powerful and pure magic pulsed from Notch's body, lightly shaking the world. Grey and black vines started to spread over the netherrack. Exotic and new types of flowers sprouted from the ground. Red and black trees started to pop up all over the place, and the red haze of the Nether started to recede. Not fully, but the visibility was better.

The Nether suddenly seemed more alive. Not just where perma-deathed players could reside, but where plants seemed to be able to grow.

I took my dagger out of the creator, black blood dripping from the blade. I look down at myself, seeing how my pants and sweatshirt were basically shredded. Xisuma, Steve, Tango, and Biffa were also in bad shape. The other admins weren't as bad as they joined later in the conflict.

I sit back on my knees as a tear of relief sliding down my face. Everyone looked at me in concern.

"It's over." I say in disbelief. Steve nodded confirming my thoughts. It was true, then. There was a legend somewhere, saying how when all evil threats have been eliminated or overpowered by the good types of magic, plant and player life will drastically improve, and even grow where it was one thought to be impossible.

I fell onto my back, grunting when I hit the floor. Steve followed my example, taking his sword out of Notch's body and stabbing it into the ground.

I exhaled, a small smile resting on my face.

"It's finally over."

(1420 words)

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