Chapter 7. The Nether

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POV: FalseSymmetry
Location: Hermitcraft

It must have been a few days since Herobrine visited us. Tango was still terrified but excited. Xisuma and Grian were hesitant and withdrawn lately. The rest of the Hermit were still confused with the entire situation.

It wasn't until now that they have made their decision and went through with it.

The admins gathered us in the Shopping District. Everyone was armored and ready for an adventure/battle, as they told us to be. I noticed Grian looked unhappy, but no one mentioned it.

"What we've planned to do is go to the Nether, get the only person who can help us, then defeat Herobrine. If things go well, this should be easy." Xisuma started.

"But we all know, it probably won't be that easy." I say, twirling my sword.

"I hate to admit it, but you're right." Tango said, stepping forward. "There will be guards almost everywhere, and the heat is high. Herobrine knows his way around the Nether like the back of his hand, and we have no clue where we're going." I saw many Hermits slump, hopes deflated.

"We do, however, know where the portal to the Nether is. It's not far from here." Tango continued.

"We should start going, then. The faster we get this done, the faster Minecraft will be saved." Grian stated, spreading his wings. Rockets and swooshes were heard, flying to a preserved forest just a bit away from the Shopping District.

We landed in the dark underbrush of the forest. Some took torches out so we could see.

"There." Tango pointed to a dark shop in the forest. Doc aimed his torch towards the area, making a huge obsidian and bedrock rectangle visible. How you weren't able to see it, I have no idea.

We cautiously approach the structure. Tango laid a hand on it, feeling the surface of the materials. He nodded and sighed.

"We don't have a structured plan. We know that many things could go wrong. We can't stick to a plan. Freestyle it for all I care. But the basic idea is that we look for where the man is caged, free him, and leave. I don't remember what the fortress looked like because I haven't been there since I was young." Tango explained.

"This is a bad idea." Grian suddenly said. Everyone turned to him with expressions of disbelief.

"We know. But when did that ever stop you and your ideas?" Mumbo asked, turning to the smaller Hermit. Grian paused, tilting his head.

"... true. Carry on." Tango shook his head, faintly smiling. He laid a hand on the portal, muttering a couple words. The portal flashed to life, swirling with black and blood read colors. Xisuma and Tango pulled out many fire resistance potions and water bottles, handing out the bottles. To the Hermits.

"I'm going to warn you, it's really hot down there. You'll get used to it, but at first it's unbearable." He stepped through, disappearing. We all followed him one by one, Grian being the last one into it.

The first thing that I knew was the heat. My vision hadn't even clearled yet, and I was sweating gallons. I heard many bottles being sipped, but I wanted to save mine just in case. They stayed in my inventory.

When I could see, everything had a red hue to it, instead of the red haze. Fire was cackling everywhere and lava flowed between every crack in the netherrack. I look over to Tango, whose hands were glowing with his demon magic. He grinned.

"I could only use this in the Nether. It feels good, but it's addictive." He commented, making the flames go away.

"Ok, pick a few other people and we have to go. The fortress is right there, and-" A flaming arrow interrupted Xisuma. It impaled the ground next to his foot.

[✔] A Forgotten's Uprise (Sequel to TWD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora