》Chapter 26. Mistake's Consequences (Myth #3)《

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(I just realized that these are 10 chapters apart. It was a coincidence wow)
(Takes place a few years after #2)

Steve marched up the hills, where the Higher Powers resided. Where they lived was a small castle, and certainly eye catching. It was made of stone bricks, but the flags that waved in the wind were white, red, black, another white one. A column made of glass panes  sprouted from the center, holding up a miniature Minecraft  world.

Each color represented each Higher Power. White for Steve, red for 303, black for Null, white for Herobrine, and clear for Notch.

Notice, it's also their magic color.

Steve walked across the bridge which was suspended over the moat of water. He had an annoyed look on his face, form glowing ever so slightly. He walked into the main room, where the others were. They sat at a large table, doing whatever they had to get done.

Steve slammed the door, stomping into said room. The others noticed his sour mood.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Notch smirked. 303 rolled his blood red eyes, resting his head on his propped-up fist. And Null... was just Null. A pitch black entity, as dark and mysterious as the void itself. 

"I told you that giving Herobrine some power was a bad idea. But what did you do? Give it to him." Steve grumbled, heavily dropping into the chair. The idea to give Herobrine power was brought up months ago. They had finally did it a few weeks ago.

"What'd he do? Blow a building up?" 303 asked, only able to speak in Galactic. Null stared. He never spoke.

"That's exactly what he did." Steve responded, clutching a diamond dagger in his hand.

"Great. Now we have to fix it." 303 sighed.

"You're not worried about the people in the building? Heck, what about the damage Herobrine will cause?" Steve asked. 303 and Null shrugged. Steve put a hand to his forehead, groaning in annoyance.

"We'll fix it eventually." Notch waved it off.

"I thought-"

"We will fix it later, Steve." Notch's stern voice interrupted him. He twirled a pencil between his fingers, narrowing his eyes.

"Corrupted, this entire thing is." Steve mumbled under his breath. He crossed his arms and propped his feet up on an empty chair, crossing his legs.

"It was a fine idea. He proved himself worthy-"

"Yeah, by killing the entire town." 303 muttered.

"Did you not see what he did earlier?" Notch asked. Steve shook his head at the entire situation.

"I'm going up. Don't bother me." Steve stood up, heading towards the stairs. He knew that three of the five Higher Powers were... evil, for lack of better word. The fourth one is questionable. Steve was the only one who didn't support evil or have evil intentions.

He flopped onto his bed, not knowing what to do. After a few minutes, he stood up and started pacing.

He knew that he alone couldn't take on Herobrine. Though he loath to admit it, Herobrine was more powerful than him. He didn't know how, but he just was. It didn't make sense to him, as everyone only gave him a little of their magic.

He played around with his dagger. Throwing it into the air, twirling it around his fingers, doing difficult tricks with it. It looked complicated, but it was possible.

Still pacing, Steve went on and on in his head, thinking of ways to defeat, or even stop his brother. Herobrine was becoming violent with with actions. A few more months of this, and there wouldn't be a server left to live in.

"Hi, brother." A voice said. Steve whipped around, looking at his brother's smirking face. Herobrine was leaning against the door frame.

"What." Steve said. He quickly tucked the dagger in the back of his tool belt.

"Nothing. Just... stopping by." Herobrine lied.

"Knowing you, you aren't just 'stopping by'."

"And you're correct."

"What-" Steve was pushed against the wall. Herobrine held the collar of his blue shirt, glaring into his brother's eyes.

"I've figured out how to take the magic out of someone. Tried it on a few low ranked admins." Herobrine hissed, smiling. Steve's eyes widened.

"You can't-"

"I will." Herobrine slammed his palm on Steve's chest. Steve gasped, wind knocked out of him. Suddenly, he felt dizzy. It was as if the life was being sucked out of his body. It was draining, Steve could feel it. His magic was being drained. The Galactic symbols on his torso area were glowing through his shirt, as was Herobrine's. 

"No..." He muttered. He weakly grasped his dagger. He brought it up, digging it under Herobrine's rib cage. The man stumbled backwards, dropping Steve to the floor. Steve fell with a thump. He was so exhausted, as the magic usually fueled him.

"This will do for now."  Herobrine ripped the dagger out of his body, dropping it to the floor. He walked to the doorway and turned his head to his fallen brother.

"I'll be back. Eventually." He disappeared, flying through the open window. After a few minutes of breathing hard on the floor, Steve dragged himself up. He looked at his hands focusing on them. A weak pulse of white magic glowed, showing how much Herobrine took.

He grabbed the dagger and all of his belongings. He waited until night fell. Under the cover of darkness, Steve went out in the night. He went to the world portal, stepping into it.

That was the last time any living player or Higher Power has seen him for a while.

(918 words)

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