Chapter 12. Slight Damage

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POV: Grian
Location: The Nether

I extended my wings in a defensive way, grasping my obsidian sword in my hand. The other Hermits wisely take out their

I turned to the Hermits who were scattered near the entrance of the room. I

"Keralis, send the coordinates to the other Hermits. We need as much help as we can get. Bdubs, help Mumbo take care of Tango. Make sure that Impulse and Zedaph are alright. Xanthus, Xisuma, Iskall. We have to help Steve." I say to the respective people. Off everyone went doing what I had asked them to do.

As I turn, a white beam of light shoots between my legs. It hits the wall, causing it to explode. I growled, cursing myself for being so careless.

"Keep your guard up! His magic moves twice as fast as ours!" Xisuma calls out, dodging a beam and sending one back. It was easily deflected.

The fight we engaged in was a 1v5. Herobrine, verses Xanthus, Xisuma, Iskall, Steve, and myself. We have no idea where Notch went, but that is not the focus right now.

Ducking the bedrock sword, jumping over the magic, dodging stray strikes, and avoiding the other person was what the fight was like. Herobrine used his sword the channel his magic, which is a good idea.

Iskall yelped, a sword cutting deep in his side. Since it was a bedrock sword, it was like slicing butter. Even with diamond armor on. Iskall backed away, grasping his side. Blood dripped from his side, slower since he had armor on. He quickly chugged a healing potion. The bleeding slowed down slower, but was still dripping. He got back into the fight as soon as possible.

Steve stepped back, quickly eating a golden apple. He wasn't bleeding, but was fairly battered.

Herobrine kicked Steve in the chest, swiftly moving to hit Xisuma with the butt of his sword. Both men were knocked back a few blocks, but recovered very quickly.

Xanthus landed a strike on Herobrine, cutting him in the arm with his sword. Herobrine hissed, backing away and grasping his arm. Under his hand, golden blood dripped.

"Herobrine, we could talk this out."

"We tried, but, as you can tell, didn't work out." Herobrine said, parring a strike from Xanthus. Herobrine kicked Xanthus away, shooting him with a bow that was taken out faster than a blink of an eye. Xanthus ripped it out of his leg, no pain indicated.

"Ah, I forgot. You were already dead, and therefore can't feel pain or need to respawn." Herobrine commented. Xanthus broke the arrow in half with one hand, no emotion visible on his face.

"Perks." He said.

"Herobrine, you know you won't last long if you fight like this." Steve tried again. Herobrine aimlessly aimed a blast at me. I stepped out of the way, letting it hit the wall.

"You know, I haven't been using my magic as much as I usually do, right?" He said. He threw a ball of white magic up, letting it explode. It threw all of us off our feet.

"This time, Steve, I'll use more magic. How about that, hm?" Before he said anything, he simultaneously sent blasts at everyone he was fighting. I threw a shield in front of everyone who didn't have magic.

But then I realized a stupid thing I did.

I forgot about myself.

I screamed in pain as the magic hit me. It was worse than the Head Watcher in my head a year ago. I stumbled backwards, clutching my head. Even though it hurt everywhere, my head hurts the most. I heard my name being called and a strong pair of hands lift me from under my arms. I shrugged them (whoever it was) away, but got to my feet with their head.

A close one, it was. I was down to two hearts. I quickly drank a few potions. I took a deep breath, recovering.

I look to the side, noticing that Xisuma went through the same problem. Xanthus helped him up. We made eye contact, and in sync, send a powerful blast at Herobrine. He threw a shield up, but it wasn't enough. He skidded back a few blocks. A drop of sweat slid down his face.

"Oh for goodness sakes, why won't you die?" I grunt, observing Herobrine's smirking face.

"Oh, I dunno, maybe because he's a literal legend?" Iskall snarked behind me. Apparently he was the one who pulled me up. I turn my head ever so slightly.

"Oh, thanks Iskall, very helpful." I reply. I suddenly gasped in surprise as Herobrine started pushing back. From a spectators point of view, it may have looked like a scene from anime.

"You've got to be joking." I hear Xisuma groan. I heard Xanthus snicker, but it quickly faded. Iskall shot an arrow, testing the force field Herobrine had. It bounced off like throwing an eraser at a wall.

I dropped to the floor, pulling Iskall down with me. My magic rebounded and shot back at us. Same with Xisuma, but he pushed Xanthus to the left and jumped to the right.

Steve landed behind Herobrine, having jumped up onto a higher ground. He slashed at Herobrine's back, creating a huge gash. Herobrine turned around gasping, pain breaking through his tough and calm mask. He weakly brought up his sword to meet Steve's sword once more. He blasted Steve away, smirking despite the pain.

"Well, finally. You've finally managed to do some damage." Herobrine taunted.

"We'll get you eventually." Steve said, glaring at his brother.

"Yeah. I'm sure you will. However, I've been waiting to do this forever, so I guess now would be a good time to do so." Herobrine slammed his sword blade-first into the ground, cracking the floor. It stuck out of the ground, glowing with a dark black energy.

The crack spread, looking like a spiderweb. We stepped back, avoiding the crack. They didn't go that far out, however, we were just really close.

A faint white circle surrounded Herobrine, along with a faint dome. I tried to blast it, but it didn't do crap. Herobrine, meanwhile, knelt down his sword, putting one hand on the hilt of the sword and the other on the floor.

Herobrine's eyes closed and lips moved, muttering unreadable words in Galactic. My heart crawled up into my throat as he was doing a summoning spell. I have never seen one done in front of me, but there is a first time for everything.

A white light filled the room, shaking it ever so slightly. Herobrine stood straight, grinning in victory.

Where we previously was, was a form. A form who was dressed in black with a hood covering their face.

My breath caught in my throat, as it did with most of the other people. Whoever this was, was clearly a threat to us.

The Hermits all share worried looks.

To my horror, the form slowly stood up.

I recognized who it was, even though I couldn't see their face. They turned to us, looking at us in shock. Before we could say anything, they turned back to Herobrine, tilting their head.

"Herobrine... you brought me back."

(1228 words)

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