Chapter 20. Chances

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(oo chapter 20. we're not done yet. this is going to be longer than TWD, huh. its all planned out, i just have to type it.)

(Warning: a lot of blood. blood. injury. blood. pain. did i mention blood?)

POV: Grian
Location: Somewhere in the Nether

Herobrine stumbled back and snarled, putting a hand to his side. He pulled it away, watching a lot of hos golden blood drip down his hand and his arm.

"Ren, get Grian. Stick to the plan." I heard a familiar German voice command. I heard that potions were thrown and glass bottles were shattered, along with bows shot and swords slicing. I felt two strong hands lift me up from under my arms, dragging me to God knows where.

"Come on, Grian, hang in there. Don't die on my now." I heard Ren mutter.

"Not planning on it." I weakly murmur back. After getting dragged from a good thirty blocks, we stopped. Ren laid me down on my back, careful to not disturb any injuries.

A rectangular object was gently pushed into my hands. An arrow whistled past Ren, but he ducked. Unfortunately, he couldn't duck the next arrow. It impaled his side where a piece of his armor didn't cover. He yelped in pain, but ignored it for now.

"We have to teleport to the others. Everyone else is in the throne room. They found it. You have to teleport us there, or we aren't going to survive." Ren said into my ear, grimacing in pain. I wipe my eyes, tears forming from the pain. I probably smeared more blood onto my face, but I couldn't care less.

My shaky hands smeared blood onto Ren's communicator, but it didn't matter. I quickly override the safety lock that allows commands. I type in Ren's, Doc's, Scar's, and Cub's, and my name. I shove the communicator back into Ren's hands.

"When ready, enter it." I manage to get out, gasping from a side wound burning. I weakly look over to the fight that was happening. Doc had a lot of blood dripping down his side. Scar had a broken leg and other cuts. Cub had blood dripping down the side of his head. He stumbled, looking extremely dizzy.

Herobrine made a pushing motion with his hands. A faint white blast flung everyone back by at least twenty blocks. The Hermits landed on the ground, groaning in pain.

Herobrine fell to his knees, grasping his side and cursing in Galactic. It looked like it had a few swords stuck in it, shattered glass, a couple arrows, lava... lava? How did that happen? Anyway, Herobrine was injured for now, and it didn't look like he could heal himself at the moment.

"Ren, now!" Doc yelled. Ren clicked enter, bringing us away from Herobrine for now.

We landed in the throne room on top of each other. I cried out in pain as Ren dragged me away from them. I barely hear screams from other Hermits, as my heartbeat was loud in my ears.

"Ren I swear to God if you drop me I will kill you since I have a half a heart left." I quickly breathed as loud as I could. My lungs burned, but so did everything else in my body. Ren faltered in his steps, but still dragged me to safety.

I heard some of the Hermit's comments.

"Grian, what in the name of Notch did you do?" Mumbo asked in horror once he saw my state.

"Where did Notch even go?" Bdubs asked.

"Are you guys alright?" Jevin questioned, ignoring the comment.

"Come on, people, healing supplies!" Cleo yelled over everyone else's comments. I turned my head to Ren, looking at him through tired eyes.

"You know, what you four did was a suicide mission. Saving me and stuff? Stupid." I muttered. He raised an eyebrow, looking at me with a dumbfounded expression.

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