Chapter 11. First Strike

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POV: Mumbo Jumbo
Location: The Nether

The other Hermits and I awkwardly walked with Steve and Notch. It was not everyday you stand within five blocks of the greatest Minecraft legends. Grian and Xisuma acted like it was nothing, but the rest of us were quite uncomfortable.

After many minutes of walking and encountering demons, we reached huge double doors that were slightly open. It had a very intricate design and was somehow functioning. To see the top, we would have to tilt our heads back all the way.

Everyone shared a look, before silently deciding what to do. Steve and Notch disappeared down the hall, going to a different side door. Everyone looked after them extremely confused. However, no one dared to make a sound. We looked at each other, not questioning out loud about what just happened, and what to do.

Before anyone could say anything, Grian kicked the door open, causing it to slam into the wall with a loud noise. Demons near the door looked like the wanted to kill us, but they didn't. We still incapitated them. When we finally looked towards the center of the room, we were not met with a pretty sight.

Zedaph and Impulse's body were cast carelessly to the side, bearing injuries of their own. Thankfully, I could see that they were breathing. Thank goodness they were only unconscious. Tango was being choked from the back by Herobrine, who had a sword under the demons' neck.

From what I could see, Tango was in a bad condition. He had blood dripping down the side of his head. His breathing was shaky and his eyelids were fluttering. His hair was stained with blood and ruffled up more than usual. His clothing was ripped, and his leg was bent at an awkward angle. I'm sure there were many more injuries that are not visible to me at the moment. Tears were streaming down Tango's face, but his sobs were covered by Herobrine's hand over his mouth.

I cover my mouth, horrified. I have never seen Tango in such a bad condition, or Zedaph and Impulse like that either. I look over at the other Hermits and see that they had similar reactions.

"Tango!" Iskall yelled, looking at the demon in concern and panic. Herobrine chuckled. I shivered, terrified of the sound. Grian started to step forward, but I grabbed his wrist. I turned to me, and I glared at him with a look that screamed, 'you'll get hurt, don't do that.' Grian sighed and turned away from me. We both directed our attention to Herobrine.

"It was what he deserved, Iskall85." Herobrine said, slightly tilting his head. I scowled to myself. Tango would never do anything to deserve any type of treatment similar to that.

"Let him go, Herobrine!" Grian said, grasping his obsidian sword. He slowly took his other hand out of my grasp. I reluctantly let him go, knowing that he will, at sometime, make a mistake. One day, it may be a fatal mistake. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but nowadays, you never know...

"No, I don't think I will. Besides, he won't last long anyway." Herobrine shrugged.

Every Hermit didn't know what to do. Herobrine could surely defeat us with a flick of his wrist. That would not be good. We need Steve's and Notch's help, but we have no idea where they went. However, while they were talking, everyone was slowly spreading out, making more space for each other.

"Alright, Kevin, release the Hermit, and we won't have to fight!" Xisuma yelled, slightly flashing his silver aura. Tango shuddered in Herobrine's grasp, shoulders shaking even more.

"You can't match my power, players. You don't even know what power I have." Herobrine sneered. A low chuckle echoed through the room, causing Herobrine to flash an expression of fear.

"They may not know, but I sure do." A familiar voice said. Steve stepped out from the shadows, holding his diamond sword in his hand. Herobrine slowly turned to him, turning Tango with him.

"Ah, brother, finally gathered the courage to oppose me?" He taunted. Steve's grasp on his weapon tightened.

"It's been too long, Herobrine."

"That is has been." Herobrine agreed, nodding.

"Release the Hermit." Steve demanded.

"How about... no?"

"You asked for it." Steve's hands glowed, making Herobrine pale. He threw Tango aside, ignoring his cry of pain. He fell to the floor, grasping his leg.

"No, stop that." Herobrine said. Steve stopped, narrowing his eyes.

"Maybe, then, we could talk this out."

"Unlikely. You have anger issues, causing this fight to eventually turn physical." Steve's face morphed into one of anger. He stepped forward, but a quick white light threw him backwards. Steve crashed into the wall. He fell to the ground with a grunt. He looked up and threw a dirty look at his brother. Herobrine grinned, taking his bedrock sword out. It hasn't been used in years, but it was still sharper than glass.

While Herobrine was distracted, I quickly dashed over to Tango, whipping a few healing potions out of my inventory. I bent over him, covering from any danger. He weakly took them, exhaling in relief. He must have had half a heart left. If he died here, it would take ages to get back here. We can not afford to die now.

He tried to get up, but I put a hand on his chest, stopping him. He looked at me in annoyance but didn't verbalize anything. I opened my mouth to say something, but he tried to scoot back. He was weak though, and didn't move more than a few centimeters.

I flinched as Herobrine's and Steve's sword clashed, producing an unpleasant sound. The first strike of the fight was just thrown. Now it's up to us to finish this fight, victorious or defeated.

(976 words)

(imma be honest, i don't think you will like my plot. but im not going to change it)

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