She was making sure to keep to herself too when working, she had a long list of things that had to be done; she was the best person they had when it comes computers and security systems. The lab was the best place for the silence she needed, she knew Fitz was there, but she didn't mind having him around; it gave her a reason to make sure he was alright. He had not taken it well when Simmons had left him after he woke up from the coma, but he was good company when he was in a good mode.

And then Simmons returns from her mission and the tension between her, and Fitz was heavy, and Skye made sure she was in the lab more often; just to be there if he needed him. They always ended up fighting now and it was hard to see him, he was broken but he was still the same person, and she knew exactly how he was feeling. Not that they know anything about that.
Then there was the fact that Fitz had managed to grow a lot during the time Simmons was away, he had started to get out of his shell. Then things went back to what it had been when Simmons tried to treat Fitz differently from before. She was dancing around him like he was some type of China doll. She had been working hard with the security system when she hears the door opens and the familiar sound of Simmons walking into the room. Without really helping it, Skye starts to slow down her work and listen carefully on what was about to happen. She had made sure to place herself in a spot where neither of them could see her; but she was able to see them.

It didn't take them long to start arguing once more and only a few seconds later; Simmons leaves the lab once more. Once the lab doors close, Skye could hear how Fitz slams his hand into the table; since she wasn't ready for that action, she jumped in her chair before shaking her head. Closing the laptop lid, she raises up from the chair. With the computer under her arm, she leaves her hiding spot and takes the empty seat beside Fitz, not that he she walks up to him.


It took Fitz five minutes to calm down enough to realize that she was sitting beside him, once more working on her computer.

"Just thought you needed company."

She answered, not even looking away from her computers screen as she does.

"If you need anything, just poke me and I'll help you or just sit here if you need to talk. If you feel like you need to hug something you can just hug away, your hugs are still the best thing in the world."

She then adds, from the corner of her eye she could see that Fitz seemed to relax slightly and he soon returns to the work on his project and silence fell around them. This was just what she needed and so did he. Skye let herself fall deeper into her own mind as she was working, she had not done that in a while and she could feel that something was wrong. In that moment, she just ignored it; she could try and figure out what it is later.

It could just be an old feeling from before GH-325 that was messing with her. But when a single drop of pure crimson falls on her keyboard, this made her stop working and she just looks at the drop. Her head was spinning and her eyes lost focus as she looked at the blood. A hand on her shoulder made her turn her head fast, a little too fast as the room started to spin around her. With a deep breath, she tried to focus on the concern looking Fitz.

Moving her hand towards her nose, she made sure that there was no more blood flowing.

"Sorry about that."

She tells Fitz the moment she is sure there is no more blood coming from her nose and she looks away from him once more.

"A... are you... A... a... alright?"

He managed to get out after a few tries and Skye couldn't help the small eyeroll.

"Yes, I'm fine."

She answered simply and she could feel how Fitz tensed up beside her and she lets out a heavy sigh. She was making things worse now and that was the last thing she wanted to do towards him.

"Fitz I..."

She starts to say but he just shakes his head and turns his own attention back to his work.

"N... No... I.. I... I do not wa... wa... want any ap... app.. apology."

Fitz manage to get out and Skye let's her head fall forwards slightly.

"I wasn't going to give you any sympathy or anything like that Fitz."

She tells him and takes in a deep breath. The tumor is gone now, and she knows she needs to tell him, that way he would know he isn't the only one that is broken. That there is a chance that he can get better, she did after all. He had managed to pull through the coma and had started to build himself up. What had she done? She run away the moment she found out about the tumor, even after it was gone, she kept on hiding. Turning her attention back to her computer screen once more, she closes the work she had open and started to open a file she had not opened in a long time.

Pulling up the scans of her brain, she turns the computer towards Fitz, and he looks at it out of surprise. Silence fell once more and Skye watches as Fitz leans towards the computer so he could take a proper look at what she is showing her.

"I know fully well how it feels to be different and have nothing that could fix it all up."

She then tells him, and she could see how his eyes grows large when he realizes what it is he's looking at.

"It is gone now, GH-325 didn't just healed the gun wounds, it also took care of the tumor."

She continues to explain, and Fitz looks up at her, she had a hard time reading the expression in her eyes.

"H... how... long?"

He asks and Skye smiles weakly.

"I was 13 when they found it."

She starts to say, her eyes traveling back towards the screen once more and she looks at the thing that has costed her so much pain in the past.

"Not to mention that I do have a high IQ. I do understand everything you and Simmons talked about when you thought you were speaking your own language. It was just easier to act like I was stupide."

She adds and she was sure that his eyes had grown even larger at this. Before either of them has a chance to say or do anything else, he hits her over her arm and Skye can't stop the laugh from escaping her lips. She turns the computer back to herself and turns of the things she had opened for Fitz to look at.

"Now, this talk never happened and we need to work."

She orders him and Fitz nods his head, and he turns back to his own work once more, letting the silence fall over them yet again. This time however, things are calmer between them, and Skye managed to relax once more.

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