J did try and convince her dad to get some social media she insisted it be good for her but she didn't bother.

She scrolls through her socials. "Mhm" she hums.

"What?" Yaz wonders.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing not a post since well ooh for some time actually." The Doctor knows that's not like her daughter especially with Twitter the other apps she can understand but, J often says 'Twitter is my home, the app I love the most and forever will use. Can't get enough of it always on posting and talking with humans.'

"Not like her at all." The Doctor turns "I'll be back. You guys go relax." She says she took her sonic out and adjusting some settings as she heads back to J's room.

When she gets there J is not asleep anymore. She sits on her phone.

"Hey?" The Doctor chapped and walked in. "What are you doing?" She sits on the edge of the bed

"Reading." She says "Just Reading some fanfics" she was snippy

"Hm. What's that?" The Doctor asks.

J snaps her head round. "FanFiction, so like fan episodes of TV shows. At the moment I'm reading a Once Upon A time, SwanQueen fic. And I'd prefer it if you'd leave me alone thanks." She says bitterly.

"Hm. Okay. First." The Doctor takes her sonic and scans her daughter.

"Whatcha do that for?" J raises her eyebrows confused and she puts her phone down.

"You've been in a mood recently. And I don't think it's normal well it is normal but this mood is not." The Doctor smiles warmly at her daughter feeling the daggers she's giving her. "And have you had anything weird to eat or drink or ?"

"You can talk. You been in a stupid mood since the whole Gallifrey thing. Like I don't even know why you won't tell them you can't take them there cause it's all burned to a Crisp." She sighs throwing her head back onto her pillow "I'm tired leave."

"And you've been more tired than your usual self yes, you sleep a lot but this last week you've mainly been sleeping." She ignores what J, just said to her it hurt her quite deeply but she won't show it.

"Well if you would get us to places where we don't need to run for our life's every day then maybe I'd be less tired." She says snippy.

"Mhm. definitely not like you." Her Sonic does a little beep.

"Urg go away." J says annoyed more.

"Explains it." The Doctor got up and left. She goes back to the console room.

"So what happened?" Ryan is curious.

"Oh. Nothing. She is being snippy. But she also has a parasite in her, making her moody, well not exactly a parasite more of a bug that's causing another bug like virus thing, because it's drinking her blood from the inside." The Doctor looks down at her screens again as she scans her information from her sonic onto it.

"It will be sending pain waves up her arm and into her brains so it explains a lot. With the sudden moody ness". The Doctor looks back up to shocked faces.

"Is that not a sign of alarm?" Graham worries

"Oh yes, it is. But" the Doctor grins. "I have just the thing to kill it." She says smiling.

"Kill it?" Ryan asks, raising his eyebrow.

"It is a parasite bug Ryan, I virus it's not good. It's been in her a week. Any longer and she might go insane. And if it multiples" she takes her sonic and scans the Gang "It really is not good. Who knows what it would do to you guys." The sonic beeped.

"Don't worry though, y'all okay your not infected." She smiles.

"How'd she get it?" Yaz wonders.

"Oh the amusement park we went to last week, there was Silikings, it's like a cold to them or the flu a bad bad bad case of the flu. Has killed 30% of the people infected there." She awaits by the popping out table.

"So can J die?" Ryan asks

"No. I don't know. If it makes her regenerate then I've no clue actually, but I do know that it's easily killed since there is an anti bacterial bug for it". The Doctor grins as the Tardis pops another little bug like thing out for her and a couple syringes one filled with liquid.

"So you are just going to put another bug in your daughter?" Ryan looks shocked more than confused

"It's the only way. Plus this" she pics it up, "This here is a engineered bug to kill the bug/virus in her. And then it will find its way to the stomach and will basically digest she will be fine."

"So if there is a cure why did 30% of people die?" Graham asks

"Yeah?" Yaz nods

"Oh well, same as anywhere else some people have weaker Immune systems and others money." She walks up the stairs.

"Now I shan't be long." She heads on down back to J.

She opens the door, J is laying down still.

"Urg" she rolls over to see who it is. "Why can't a woman just sleep." She gives her father a 'Go away' look.

The Doctor smiles. She goes up and grabs her hand and pressed a syringe into her arm.

"What the F~" and she falls down onto her pillow.

The Doctor sighs. "You will be out for a day." She takes another like syringe type needle bigger with the bug in it and directly puts it in the arm where she knows the other would be.

She gets J comfortable sorting her pillows she goes over to the other side and picks her phone up as she still had it on the fanfic she was reading and the Doctor reads a part.

'Miss Swan, *Regina cups Emma's cheeks and pulls her into a kiss, and just like magic she felt a wonderful spark within her. She hums into the kiss*'

The Doctor puts back down her phone. "If that's what you're reading we need to have words" she laughs jokingly at well herself.

She leaves her room turning the light off and heads back to the Gang.

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