Part 45: Hungover

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Nikki froze as his eyes focused on the white tiles staring back at him, stomach rumbling sickeningly as he remembered what he said with his lips pressed to her lobe.

'Who else did you spread your legs for, baby?'


And almost as if the Pandora's box of idiocy had been unlocked, everything came screaming back to him in a horrifying montage.

'Maybe you're fucking someone else.'

'Glorified groupie.'

'I never should have fucked you.'

'Bullshit hassle.'


Nikki could taste the puke at the back of his throat.  It had to have been a dream. There's no way he said....

He'd almost convinced himself it was a nightmare. Some sort of weird rabbit hole dream that can only be the effects of too much alcohol. But then something else came back to him. Her eyes. And the expression on her face as he was saying the worst things he could think of. Nikki had never before seen that combination of confusion, hurt, and shock. He also knew that look would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life.

It wasn't a dream. It was real. Too real.

"Fuck!" Nikki shouted and pounded his palm repeatedly against the shower wall.

His stomach lurched almost painfully as he heaved, no longer able to hold back the bile and the liquor he consumed last night. He continued the involuntary purge until it almost brought him to his knees. Once his gut was dry, its contents swirling down the drain with his shower water, he shakily stood at full height and wiped his mouth.

He had to find her.  Now!

He quickly hopped out of the shower, not bothering with towels and almost forgetting to turn off the water in his haste to find his phone.  His hands shook, not from the sudden cold of the room temperature hitting his wet and exposed body, but from the terror of the damage he'd done. He grabbed his cell and dialed Ashten.

Straight to voicemail.

"Shit," he grumbled, ending the call and immediately trying again with the same result.  He tried once more, putting the line on speaker so he could rapidly throw on some jeans, no easy task considering he was soaking wet.  He didn't care.  He needed to find her.

Straight to voicemail. Again.

Nikki's heart thundered and his stomach swirled with dread and regret as the worst case scenario plagued his thoughts.  The scenario that made his heckles stand on end and his throat tighten almost to point of strangulation.

Fuck, what if she leaves him? What if he'd screwed up so badly that she actually fucking leaves him?

His hands shook as he ran them through his hair and stomped around the room, quickly searching for anything even closely resembling a shirt.  He was about to say 'fuck it' and go without one to save time when a loud pounding on his door shook him from his ensuing panic. 

Saying a silent prayer to whatever diety was in the sky that Ashten was on the other side, Nikki raced to the door and threw it open with a force of tornado.

He felt his face fall when he didn't see his girl.  Instead, Nikki came face to face with an irritated Tommy Lee.

"Not who you wanted me to be, I take it?"  Tommy cocked his eyebrow.

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