Itachi x reader

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If you had one outrageous super power or jutsu, you wish it was to stop time. You wanted to live in this moment forever. Being wrapped in sheets that smell of him. Turning over in bed to see him sound asleep. To be able to enjoy the mundancy of life. You didn't wish for an ordinary life, but you did wish you could have longer moments like this with him. It never seemed to be enough though.

Your lover, Itachi, shifted in his sleep. You knew he would be waking up soon. He always seemed to be able to sense when you were awake as you cherished the serene look on his face.

He turned towards you. Groggily, his eyes fluttered open before he closed them again. It took him a moment to get his bearings and to greet you.

"How much longer?" he croaked out, sleep evident in his voice.

"We got a few hours," you responded, precise.

Your fingers grazed over his cheek softly. Itachi relished the feeling of your hand against his skin. His black orbs groggy from sleep as he nudged your hand with his nose. Your hand cupped his face, drawing your thumb out to trace his lips. He nipped at your thumb before growing closer to you.

Your hand traveled to his raven locks, easily getting tangled within his hair. You felt Itachi's arm come up around you, holding you around the waist. His warmth welcoming against the early morning temperature.

His face was inches from yours now, sharing the same pillow. His gaze lingered between your eyes, accessing your mood as he drew circles on your back.

"Tell me what you're thinking," he questioned although it sounded more like a statement in his soft tone.

"I don't want to go back," you mentioned blatantly.

Itachi blinked, processing your words. "We have to."

"You have to," you corrected, calmly.

Itachi didn't responded. He remained quiet for a few moments. You played with his hair that was between your fingertips. You didn't want to spend the rest of your time with him sulking so you wiggled closer. Your body barely touching his.

Itachi reopened his eyes as you ducked your head to snuggle up to his neck. He encircled his arm further around you as he felt your breath on his collar.

"I'm sorry. I know how important this is for you. I only wish we could be like this in the Akatsuki like we are now. It strenuous to keep hiding our relationship," you expressed fully apologetic, sighing.

Itachi rubbed your back and you felt the touch of his lips at the top of your head.

"It's dangerous to be open with our relationship. I have too many enemies outside and inside the organization," Itachi murmured quietly against your hair.

Itachi too could understand your frustration about pretending and distancing himself from you, but he knew it was the safest course. You two could only be close and open like this on missions. Inside the Akatsuki base and around Akatsuki members, you two were colleagues and nothing more. You two hardly even exchanged a few words to each other, let alone looked at each other. Everyone in the Akatsuki thought you two were ignorant of the other. You two were perceived as neither hating nor liking each other which kept you out of suspicion from the others.

Missions and assignments like the one you were on was the only time you two got to be close to each other. You loved the feeling of waking up beside him and feel his warmth at your side. Itachi also loved how he was free to touch you and be gentle without fear that he would put a target on your back. He only wanted you to be safe even more so than your happiness. He rather not be forced into another position where he would have to sacrifice one of his loved ones for the sake his village again.

He was only in the Akatsuki for one reason, to keep an eye on them and help protect Konoha from the outside. He knew the mercenary group fought for their own gains. They racked up money from missions in order to achieve their one goal. World domination.

However, Itachi also knew another man controlled the strings from the shadows. Pein wasn't the real leader but only a figure head. Itachi knew there had to be another purpose for this group of mercenary criminals. He hadn't quite discovered who the real leader was and what their end-game was though.

Itachi was walking a thin line and a timely line too. He couldn't get caught snooping around, but he knew he didn't have much time in this world.

Everyday Sasuke grew stronger and every day he grew sicker. It was only a matter of time that his end will come.

Itachi's hand had stopped caressing your back and you knew his mind had slipped into dark thoughts. You removed you head from his chest, looking up at his face. You saw the distant hard look to his eyes. Your own eyes grew soft as you leaned into him.

Your lips brushed against his before kissing his cheeks and forehead.

Itachi seemed to regain his senses, coming back to Earth. He beheld you, looking at you as if he would never see you again. All the joy that

Itachi had felt was stripped from him after the massacre, it had only returned to him once he met you. You brought solace to his dark days, a comfort to his dreary dwelling. He was at peace in your arms.

He only wished he could stay in your arms.

Itachi kissed you back softly. His eyes closing as he relaxed into your caresses. You two had a few more hours, he reminded himself.

He could stay within your embrace until then.

You held onto him. Stroking his hair and tracing your fingertips along his neck. You kissed him tenderly, hoping he could feel your love through it.

Both of you parted, your eyes locking onto his.

"I'm with you to the end" you reminded him, your devotion evident in your eyes.

"I know..." Itachi breathed quietly, regret was laced in his voice. "That's what scares me the most," Itachi mumbled, sighing as he dove his head into your chest.

His heart lay heavy with his troubles. He was both complacent and disarrayed within your arms as you held him and soothed him. You had but a few hours to enjoy the rest of his company. Laying and comforting each other until you both had to pretend to be okay again.

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