- Naruto x reader -

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Patter Patter

The droplets of heavy rain fell ruthlessly from the grey monstrous sky. Everyone shrieked in horror as the droplets made contact with their skin- wetting them. They yelled and shrieked as if the rain itself was acid burning into their delicate, fragile flesh. They ran into sheltered areas, a few flipped open their umbrella's and held it above their friends, partners- laughing and pushing each other to fit under one.

However, there sat someone on a white park bench their gaze focused intensely onto the ground. Said person remained calm, unmoving as they got completely drenched wet by the rain. They did not panic or made even a slight movement to show that they were functioning. Instead, they just sat still, frozen like a mere statue with their head down, slumped shoulders and wet hair covering and sticking to their face.

"Hey you're gonna get sick if you keep letting yourself get more wet the rain, believe it," A loud voice pointed out as they held their own umbrella above the slumped shoulder girl- sheltering her from the rain.

The girl gave out a short choked laugh. "Well that wouldn't hurt anyone would it?"

The voice owner- a blonde haired, blue eyed boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What!? Of course it would! If you get sick you would be hurting yourself since your body will get weak," he replied scolding the girl as he sat next to her.

The female scoffed in return "It won't matter if it makes me sick. Even to the point if I die. It's not like I have someone to live for anyway," she snapped, her voice sounding hollow and sad at the end.

The blonde thought about what she said for a moment before replying "Well you just need to give yourself sometime, believe it! Everything gets better eventually. You just need to be patient enough to wait for the right person."

The said words struck the female in the face as she fumed red with anger. She looked up, looking the blonde right in the eye with her own red puffed eyes filled with fury. "That's what everyone says, don't they? They tell you everything in going to be okay and you just have to be patient. Well guess what!? Not all people's lives are full of fluff and sun. Everyone I ever loved or cared for just ends up dying and leaving me all alone. Which makes me think, actually no, which makes me know that I am nothing but a curse."

The male's eyes widened at the word "curse" before he got an angry look on his face. However, as soon as the anger came it left as he heard a little quiet sob escape from female. He examined her face more closely and it was now that he noticed her eyes that were bright red and puffy. Hardly noticeable tears were at the corner of her eyes. Actually, he had realized that the tears were noticeable after all. They were just mixed with droplets of rain that had hit her small delicate looking face, flowing down her high cheek-boned cheeks.

"Your not a curse," the blonde started. The female was about to reply to him but he cut her off. "I know what it's like to loose everyone you dearly love. You always think its your fault because they end up dying by protecting you. But the thing is, it's not. It's not your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself for the death of others and call yourself a curse. Everything happens for a good cause. I know it's something cliché to say but eventually you realise it is true because after loosing the most important person in my life I realised that it helped me grow up." The blonde continued as the rain stopped and the wind picked up causing his and female's hair to fly up.

"It made me strive harder, made me more determined to achieve my goal because I want them to look down upon me from above and be proud of what I am doing. I want them to look at me and know that the love and the teachings they left me with haven't gone to waste because I know that even after their death, they are with me every step of the way," the blonde finished grinning as he stared at the tear-faced female who stared at him in shock. Just then, bright yellow rays of sunlight peaked their way out from behind the grey clouds.

The female stared at the blond in front of her who held her gaze and kept grinning at her. She felt her heart skip a beat as a small pink blush appeared on her cheeks. "S-Shut up!" she replied looking away.


from- Devianart
by ScarletFlame26

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