All hell breaks loose, part 1

Start from the beginning

"Well, you've been gone for five months. My siblings and I have been looking everywhere for you."  Sam tells her.
"Okay? That's impossible, because I just saw you two days ago." She says to him
"You didn't. I'm sorry."

"But that makes no sense. It's—oh,
Oh, my God. My fiancé, Brady, if I've been missing for that long, he must be freaking out." She says freaking out her self
"Well," Sam says quietly.
Ava then looked over, finally noticing Andy.
"Hey. Andy. Also freaking out." He says

"Okay. What's happening?" Ava asks to Sam like he should have the answers.

"I don't know. I don't really know yet. But I know one thing. I know what we all have in common. " Sam says

Suddenly, in the distance,another voice comes though.
"Maybe more than three." Sam says going over.
The three ran over to the other side of where they were and see a man in an army uniform and another girl.
"Hey, you guys all right?" Sam asks

"I think so." The man says
"I'm Sam."
"I'm Jake."

"Are there anymore of you?" Sam asked
"No." Jake says
"Howe'd we even get here? A minute ago I was in Sam Diego." Lily says

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan." Jake tells them.

"Let me take a wild guess. You two are 23?" Sam asked "we all are. And we all have abilities." Sam begins to tell them
"What?" Jake asks
"It started a year ago...when you found out you could do things. Things you didn't think were possible." Sam says
"I have visions. I see things before they happen."

"Yeah, me too." Ava says

"I can put thought into people's heads, like, make them do stuff. But don't worry, I don't think it works on you guys." Andy said as he walked with the the new pair.
"Oh, but get this, uh, I've been practicing. Training my brain, like meditation, right? So now, it's not just thoughts I can beam out images too." Andy explains
"Like, anything i want. It's like, bam! People, they see it."
The others stood quietly as he continues on.
"This one guy I know, total dick. I used it on him. Gay porn, all hours of the day. "
Andy let's put a laugh,
"You should've seen the look in his face."

Andy then looked around, noticing he was the only one laughing, he took a step back.
"So you go, "Simon says give me your wallet," and they just do?" Lily says to Andy
"You have visions? That's great. I'd kill to have something like that." She says to Sam
"Lily, Listen. It's okay." Sam tried
"No, it isn't. I touch people...their hearts stop. I can barely leave my house. My life's not exactly improved. So screw you. I just want to go home."
"And we don't?" Jake says
"Hey, don't talk to me like that—" Lily says going back to Jake.
"Look, whether we like this or not, we're all here. And so we all have to deal with this."
Sam says shutting them up.
"Who brought us here?" Andy asks
Everyone turns to Sam,
"It's less of a who. It's actually more of a what." He says

"What does that mean?" Ava asks as she looks to the Winchester.
"It's, uh—" Sam paused before he continued.
"It's a demon."


Darcey stood on the other side of Bobby as they huddled over the Impala looking at a map.
"This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the passed few months." Bobby explains
Darcey looks at the map, seeing nothing.

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