When he didn’t, I ran to the bathroom to freshen up quickly, finding that I looked fine. There was a flush in my cheeks as I looked in the mirror. Either I was really excited to see Marcus soon or I was so surprised and worried about how I got Ben out of the way to go my secret meeting so quickly.  

What if there really is something going on at the warehouse? Did I just send Ben out to his death or at least some pain just to spend some time with my illegal boyfriend? How could I lie so easily to my best friend? What monster was I turning into? Part of me said that it was Ben’s fault for not knowing my tells for how long he has known me.  

My phone chimed again, bringing me out of my terrified thoughts. Marcus texted back with a question mark, asking me if I’m coming. I shook out the traitorous thoughts quickly and texted him back yes. I sighed as I looked back in the mirror, frivolously fixed my hair and sighed another sigh. I opened the bathroom door and sprinted out the front door, not wanting to wait any longer. And not have to wait for me to change my mind, because in a few seconds I would’ve.  

As soon as I opened the door to Marcus's dorms, I immediately saw Marcus pacing back and forth in the lobby. His slightly toned muscles showed through his firm fitting long-sleeved buttoned up shirt. And you could see the slight jumps in his footsteps, showing that he has excellent reflexes to the trained eye. To anyone else, he is a normal, college guy, obviously waiting nervously for something. But to me, a trained agent, he is a secret weapon who is questioning his loyalties. He is a mirror image to what I saw in myself when I looked in the mirror only minutes before.  

I glanced around the rest of the room, taking note of each person. Most of them were boys, with a few girls that were under the arm of their supposed boyfriend. Many of them were sitting on the couches that were arranged in the corner of the room, sitting with their laptops and textbooks, studying. Others were being social, playing and joking around with each other. No one seemed out of the ordinary and thankfully, no one seemed to notice me or the normal guy that was obnoxiously pacing next to the elevators.  

I walked over to Marcus and as soon as I was in his hearing distance, I shouted for him. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned towards me, grinning. Without even a hello, he grabbed my wrist and sprinted towards the stairs at the back of the building. He ignored my protests, asking him where we were going and ran even faster up the stairs. We inclined up the steps at unnatural speeds, going around and around the circle of stairs. After a minute, we arrived at the top, approaching a big door that had an attached card reader to it. On the door read a large sign that said "Authorized Personal Only." It could only be locked.  

Marcus must've read my mind because he pulled out a key card and showed it off to me. "Nothing is off limits," he said with a devilish grin. He swiped the key card and the light on the reader turned red, denying him access. He turned to me just as I was going to say that he was wrong. But he held a finger to my lips, telling me to be patient and put in a code on the keypad. The light turned green and I heard a click go off inside the door, unlocking it. Marcus grunted, pleased with his work and opened the door.   

He held it open and subtly bowed, motioning me to go first. I went through the door and saw everything. The door was locked because it led to the roof. And a 17 story building is very dangerous to let just anybody have access to the roof. Not even Marcus technically had access; he used a weird key card.   

It was a beautiful view to be honest. You could see the entire campus, which was filled with both vintage and new buildings. The sun was slowly setting, the sky a purple haze and clouds bordering the sun perfectly. In the far distance you could just make out the condo that Ben and I were staying at. To the right you could see the library and looking straight out could see the little park where all my troubles began.   

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