~Chapter 9~

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~Chapter 9~

At class the next morning, I had to act as normal as possible around Marcus. I found myself staring at the side of his head during the lecture multiple times and thinking about everything that happened the night before. When the professor asked me a question, I was so distracted I couldn’t even answer because I was so unfocused.

The class let out, just in time for lunch. Just in time for our ‘date’. Marcus led me to the college’s park and didn’t stop until we reached a picnic, already set up for us to enjoy. He sat down and started opening the basket full of food. I furrowed my eyebrows and Marcus chuckled.

“My friends set it up during the lecture,” he explained.

I smiled and sat down, gracefully accepting a wrapped up sandwich from his outstretched hand. I wondered just who his friends were.

“Look out!” he pointed behind me. I turned around and saw a disc flying right for my head. I put out my arm and caught it before it could hit me in the face. “Nice reflexes,” he commented.

I looked at the frisbee and turned it around in my hands.

“Hey!” Someone shouted. “Can we have that back?” I chuckled and threw it back into the direction of the voice.

“And nice arm,” Marcus smiled. “Where did you get those from?”

“Instinct? I played a lot of sports when I was little,” I covered.

He looked straight into my face, he even scooted up a bit so his face was right in front of mine. “Lie, or maybe not a lie. You could’ve played sports when you were little, I guess.” He leaned back, waiting for my response

“What?” I played on and bit into the sandwich, hoping he didn’t read into anything.

“What agency are you from Cassidy Hall?” He stared into my eyes. “If that’s your real name.”

“Agency?” I started moving my hand towards my boot, where I kept a very small dagger.

He stopped my arm from going any further. “I’m not going to hurt you. What agency are you with?” I kept my mouth shut. “What’s your real name then, huh?”

“Marcus, you’re sounding crazy.” I acted, scooting away from him.

“No, I’m not. I know an agent when I see one. Your reflexes for one, no one should’ve been able to catch that frisbee unless it was a lucky catch, but then you also could tell where the voices were coming from and threw it back. At the library when I bumped into you, you caught those books effortlessly. I also saw you yesterday morning, when I was talking to my brother. You heard everything didn’t you? Meaning you were there last night. You were the one who probably shot Jared in the arm too, or at least your ‘twin brother’ did.”

“Marcus, you’re scaring me.” I said one last time, hoping he would drop the subject.

“Stop it! What agency are you working for!” He started to yell now, but he hadn’t once raised a hand at me or reached for any weapon on his person. Planning on not telling him anything compromising, I put up my hands, surrendering.

“You’re very perceptive,” I stated.

“Well? What agency?” He urged.

I dodged the question and asked my own. “Why would you ask me out last night if you could’ve been punished by your brother? No, why would you ask me out if you suspected anything of me anyways?”

“If you canceled last night, it would’ve been another thing to add to ‘She’s an Agent’ list.” He looked down and quietly added. “That, and because I didn’t care if you were.” He looked back up and raised his voice a little, showing how serious he was. “You can do whatever you want to IMO. Please do. Only good things could come out of IMO being shut down,” he looked sincere.

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