~Chapter 14~

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~Chapter 14~

I walked over to Marcus's dorm the next day to retrieve him for the surprise briefing. We only had two classes scheduled for today and they started later than most of the others. But he's still an early riser, so I was hoping he'd be up and ready even though I didn’t warn him.

Ben was with me. Well not really, he was a ways behind me, blending in with the crowd of students walking to their classes. He dressed as anyone would for a chilly morning on campus, jeans and a jacket, accompanied with a not-so-normal baseball cap to hide his face. He had originally started walking next to me but as we got closer to the dorm, he gradually shifted more and more behind me with each step.

We were slowly getting back to normal, too. I could barely sleep last night. My nightmares were filled with Ben's glare and rage. His untrust. Eventually, I gave up and laid in bed awake, thinking of ways to make it up to him. I must've have drifted off eventually because I woke up to Ben opening my door at 5am so we could organize everything. It gave us time to rebond after last night, especially because it took over an hour to do so. We had a very long day ahead of us.

Behind me, Ben was watching me so intensely, I could feel his stare boring into my back. I pulled open the door to the dorm's lobby and glanced behind me to search for Ben's eyes. He tilted his head, showing me everything was going as planned and he disappeared out of sight. The plan was for him to stay outside and keep watch while I went in to collect our mark.

I glanced around to see if Marcus was in the lobby, first. He wasn't. So I waltzed over to the receptionist's desk and waved for her attention.

"How may help you?" The receptionist raised her head from the computer. I blinked in shock. It was Carly, the girl who fell, the girl who surprisingly showed up to the house to give "Riley" some class notes. “Oh hey! You’re Cassidy, right? Riley’s sister?”

“Uh, yeah. You work here?”

She shrugged. “Yeah, I do live in the dorms, but I get free room and board by doing this.” She gestured to the work around her. “Anyways, what’s up?”

I coughed. “Um, I was wondering if you knew who Marcus Kellin is?”

Recognization filled her eyes. “That hottie? Yeah I do. What about him?” Her perky voice screeched in my ears.

“Have you seen him down here this morning?” She sadly shook her head. “Okay then, could you look up his dorm room number?”

She sucked in a breath. “I’m not really supposed to.”

I leaned over the counter and playfully pouted. “Darn. I was going to surprise him before our class this morning. You know, we’ve been getting really close lately. You know.” I raised my eyebrows in suggestion.

Her mouth and very blue eyes both grew wide. “Are you dating him!” She squealed. I smiled big and nodded, partly playing along to get what I wanted. “Okay. I guess I could look it up. Don’t tell anybody, though.” She gleefully gave me his room number and even a key card to operate the elevators.

On my way up, I kept my eyes open for any sign of Marcus, as well as figuring out what I should say. I came to the end of his hall and posed my fist to the door of his room to knock. Instead, I thought better and decided to return the favor that Marcus has once given me. The gift of breaking in. I twisted the door handle to his room, testing if it was unlocked. Surprisingly, it was and I gently opened the door and peaked in.

It was a single room, plainly decorated. Pushed in the corner, there was only one, twin sized bed. A small desk was pushed against the wall, facing the window. And in front of the closet on the other side of the room was a very hot, solid, shirtless body. A body that just happened to belong to the breathtaking Marcus Kellin, who was in the middle of pulling on a shirt. His hair was messy, dripping wet after his morning shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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