~Chapter 6~

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~Chapter 6~

“You have to admit, this is a pretty awesome car,” Ben said from the passenger seat.

“Yeah, sure, I guess,” I replied, distracted. “Now, can you read me the directions to the condo, or are you just going make out with the car already.”

He messed with the Google map directions that were given to us before replying, “Um, turn left, and then keep going for a few blocks. So, what’s the first you wanna do after we get there?”

“I don’t know; go through the house or something, I would rather have some weapons hidden throughout the house, just in case.”

“Do you know how you are going to handle Kellin yet?” He asked.

“Introduce myself? I don’t know, maybe we should sit in the lecture hall and have our eyes meet each other. Something like in the movies, or may-”

“-Turn right here. You were saying?” 

“Just thinking out loud, this is a work in progress.”

“Cool. Turn left, the fourth condo is ours.” He pointed towards the nice sized, one story condo.

“Huh, how do you think they got this place on such short notice? This is prime real-estate right next to the college.” I said as I pulled into the driveway.

“They probably know a guy, who probably knows a guy, who knows another guy that probably kicked some college kids out of this place.”

“That’s a lot of ‘probablys’ and a lot of ‘guys’.” I opened up the door to the condo to see the black cases of weapons and other tools that we might need, like earpieces, microphones, and GPSs, in the foyer.

Ben went straight to the case that was filled with guns and hugged it. I raised my eyebrow at his insanity, but didn’t ask. Instead, I opened up the case filled with knives and sighed at the immediate sight of my babies and picked one up. I flipped it in my hand a few times and then grabbed a couple more and went in search for handy hiding places.

“Van! Do you want me to put up the cameras!?” Ben yelled from another room.

“Um, the interior ones. Wait for night coverage for the exterior. And hey! My name is Cassidy!”

“Yeah, I know. Cassidy.” Yeah, this whole undercover thing might not work for us. We’ve known each other too long to not call each other by our real names.

“I’m going to set up the computer and hack into security tapes around the campus.” I said as I finished up hiding my knives. I walked over to the foyer, where Ben was climbing a step ladder to put up a camera facing the door. “What do you want for dinner? I’ll cook while the program is working.”

“What food do we have? I’m in the mood for spaghetti,” He said absent mindedly while plugging in the last wire. When he was climbing down, his eyes widened and he almost fell off the ladder. Once he was stable he stared straight at me. “No. You are not cooking. No way.”

“Why?” I said with a dumbfounded look.

“Not a day since I have known you that you have ever cooked a decent meal. I’m cooking.” He pushed passed me to get into the kitchen, to which I then followed him.

The kitchen was nice, set with an oven, electric stove, microwave, and dishwasher. There was an island in the middle with two barstools under it. I pulled one of them out and sat on it waiting for Ben to say something else. When he didn’t, I shared my complaint.

“Okay, I object! What about that one time that I made an anniversary dinner for my mom and dad?”

He walked to the pantry to get out the noodles and marinara sauce. “‘OUR’ mom and dad,” he corrected. “Yeah, sure. That might’ve tasted alright,” He walked to the island and forcefully placed the ingredients on the table. “But we will never know, because you burned the chicken, and the potatoes, and their cake, making your parents order Chinese.”

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