Chapter 4 "How to Domesticate a Werewolf"

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He growled at me lowly and his eye twitched. "Don't remind me! It's enough I have to deal with one...but three consecutive Supermoons" he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Is it bad for you?" I wondered.

He gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead. "It is...I mean it isn't. It's just..." he said before she took his hand.

"Can I be with you? You said I would be safe if you turned" I asked.

"I said might be safe" he retorted.

"What makes this so much more different than normal full moons?" I pressed him.

"It's just brighter...I change more into a wolf than usual. Not all full moons are the same mind you. It's really difficult to predict how I'll behave" he said honestly.

I bit her lip and sighed in disappointment. "Honey, you're going to have to show me eventually...if we are going to have a serious meaningful relationship. How am I supposed to take care of you when you lock yourself up in a room three nights a month? Or when you can't handle the stress" I asked as I started rubbing at his chest.

He said nothing and pondered to himself. "I don't know...I've never had a relationship last this long to have to worry about showing it to my girlfriend. I guess I'm going to have to show you...but what about your kids?" he asked.

I looked at him amused. "That's what locks on doors are for. I can come up with something. I just want to know how bad things can get" I said honestly. I thought that he was over exaggerating things. He was always transformed during sex in body and mind.

He laughed nervously. "Oh, things can get pretty bad...I don't like being locked up for extended periods of time" he said.

I rolled my eyes at him at how overdramatic he could be sometimes. "You didn't have a problem being locked up when I'm in the room" I reminded him.

He scowled at me knowing that I was right. "Well that's different! It's was because..." he said before I interrupted him.

"Because I know what a wolf like you needs?" I asked him while I rubbed his third leg with a smug look. He shivered and gulped while I gazed at him sensing victory. "Check mate big guy" I said while nudging him. "Don't worry, I can always put you on a leash and restrain you, but then again I think you'll like that" I continued to tease him.

He looked back at me and smirked seductively. "Oh, you sure like it kinky don't you?" he asked. I smiled and leaned up against him not even going to deny the truth. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and murred. "I'll show you tonight, alright" he said before he squeezed by shoulder gently.

I grew very excited, and I felt like I have gain complete trust with him. I knew the temperament of his wolf, so I was not as afraid as I probably should have been. Sure he lost control, but the only thing I got out of it was a good rough session and maybe soreness. I felt like we done this for so long that I needed to spice things up. "So you're going to take me to your place then?" I asked which he nodded. I giggled traced his muscles under his shirt.

He watched some people stare at them as they walked past, and they make comments about us. He was really annoyed with them calling my tits fake, but I shook my head and laughed at him. After he shared a Swedish meat pie with me at a quiet park across the railroad tracks, He pulled out his cell phone, which it said, "7:10 pm, Supermoon at 8:00 pm" He put his phone away and began to walk faster. "Shit, we're not going to have enough time to eat dinner" he said.

I looked at him and touched his bicep. "It's okay love, I'm full. That meat pie was very filling" I told him before I noticed his veins had already begun to bulge like he had been exercising. I gulped and dismissed this as something unrelated to the full moon. The sun was still out at least that's what I convinced myself with as I touched his arm. "Oh, your muscles have gotten bigger since last time" I complimented him.

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