Epilogue: Happily Ever After And All The Junk That Comes With It

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Epilogue: Happily Ever Afters And All The Junk That Comes With It

:: Samantha ::

Eight Years Later


I jumped, the dish I was washing slipping from my hand and landing in the sink with a loud BANG. My husband of seven years chuckled at my clumsiness causing me to hit with him the kitchen cloth that I had around my neck.

"Mom! Look what AJ did to my hair!"

Alexander and I had barely turned towards the kitchen door when our jaws dropped in shock. One of our seven year old daughters stood at the kitchen door, her once jet black hair now a bright blue color. Her sky blue eyes were shining with anger and her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides.

"Dahlia, why on earth is your hair blue?" I asked, rushing up to my daughter to inspect the damage done to her silky hair.

I heard a soft chuckle to my right and I glanced up to see my other daughter, the twin to Dahlia walk into the kitchen and sat down at the counter next to her father.

"AJ put blue dye in her shampoo."

"Shut up, Haven!" Dahlia yelled as she stomped her feet in anger. "This is not funny!"

I'm sure by now you guessed it. The twin was Vanessa and Alexander's children. It was a shock to all of us, Alexander especially, when we arrived at the hospital to learn that Vanessa had given birth to a twin. Thankfully, the girls looked everything like Alexander. The only difference was that Haven had inherited Vanessa's brown hair and slight tan.

By the time the twin had arrived, Alexander and I were exclusively dating. I was fully committed to being a mother to the girls and AJ was already so excited to being a brother. When Alexander and I got married a few months after the girls were born, he decided that it was best the twin not know about Vanessa. We decided to wait until they were old enough to know their true parentage.

So for now, the girls were my children.

Haven giggled and leaned against Alexander who placed a hand around her shoulder. "No, you're right, D. It's not funny. It's hilarious! You look like a smurf!"

Dahlia groaned in agony while I stood there biting my lips to stop the laughter that was threatening to bubble over. "Dad!"


Soon enough, my twenty year old son's footsteps thundered throughout the house. He walked into the kitchen, my three year old son Carson, in his arms.

"Yeah, Dad?" AJ looked at Dahlia and a huge grin was etched on his lips. "Hey smurf!" he said as he walked past Dahlia and I, heading towards his father.

"Bite me!" Dahlia snarled.

Haven broke into riotous laughter and glanced at her older brother who was handing Carson off to Alexander. "This one was epic dude! Completely genius! I love it!" She declared and held out her hand for a high five.

Dahlia stormed past me. "You're supposed to be on my side in this, Haven! We are a twin!" She yelled as she stood in front of her younger sister.

Haven sighed and slid down from the stool she was sitting on in front of the counter. "This isn't a war, D. I'm neutral in this one."


I sighed, the family drama too much for me to handle. "Okay, okay," I said, huffing in tiredness. "AJ? Why? Why did you dye your sister's hair?"

AJ folded his arms across his chest, glaring at Dahlia. "You didn't tell Mommy and Daddy dearest? This is payback."

"For what?" my loving husband asked as he tickled our baby boy who squealed in laughter.

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