Vanessa or Samantha: Who Weighed More?

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Vanessa or Samantha: Who Weighed More?

# Alexander #

"I'll see you guys in two days, okay?" I yelled as I grasped the doorknob.

"Yeah man, see you later!" Lucas shouted in reply before yelling at AJ to stop hogging the remote.

I silently laughed as I pictured AJ and Lucas yelling and screaming at each other over the television. I checked my watch and realised that I needed to head home to my lovely fiancée. I was about to turn the doorknob when it was pulled from my grasp as someone opened the door. The person bumped into me and dropped all their things on the floor.

"Shoot!" The person yelled. "Come on, man! Watch where you're......" The person looked up and stared at me with wide eyes. "Alex?"

"Sam! What are you doing here?" I asked.

Samantha shot me a 'Are you serious right now?' look and gave me a flat face. "I live here."

I realised that my question sounded rather stupid and I chuckled at Samantha and her witty comebacks. "I meant, what are you doing here now? The boys said you were out."

"Ahh. Your fiancée didn't tell you? I'm the Maid of Honor."

I stared at Samantha with wide eyes, my face morphing into a shocked expression. Samantha was the Maid of Honor? Vanessa actually asked her to be the Maid of Honor? Couldn't Vanessa find anybody but Samantha? She could have shopped at for goodness sake! Anybody but Samantha! I didn't want her to be involved in the wedding like this.

Samantha sensed my internal battle and sent a knowing look. "Maybe I could get to know her. It's what you wanted right? Besides, this is my last chance to celebrate my best friend's former single life." She smiled at me. "It'll be fine."

I knew she right. It was going to be. Right?

I smiled at her and looked towards the open door. "I better go. I'm sure Vanessa's waiting for me. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, sure. Maybe we could hang out like old times. Sing at karaoke bars and make a fool of ourselves," she said as her eyes grew distant and her lips cracked a small smile.

I smiled as I remembered those quaky moments of us singing in those bars and making total fools of ourselves. Those were some fun times when the stress and worry of telling Samantha about my leaving her for four years for a scholarship disappeared, when I all I could think about was the smile on her face as she happily belted out crazy songs.

"Yeah, that would be fun."

She looked at me and smiled. "I'll keep my schedule open just in case." She heavily sighed. "You better go. I think this wedding is beginning to put a little strain on Vanessa."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I better get going. Tell AJ and the guys I'll see them in two days.

Samantha grinned and shook her head. "No problem. Goodnight, Alex."

I headed through the door and made my way towards my house. The smell of food wafted through the living room and I knew that Vanessa was doing her magic in the kitchen. Sure enough, two or three pots were on the stove and I could see a big, juicy chicken on the rotisserie. Vanessa was standing at the counter, furiously chopping vegetables, completely oblivious to my presence. I slowly walked up behind and wrapped my arms around her. She jumped and turned but as soon as she saw me, she scowled and pushed me away.

I was surprised by her reaction but I shook it off. "Hey! Sorry I'm late but I was at Sam's house totally caught up in video games with Luke and AJ."

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