Getting Her Back

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Getting Her Back

# Alexander #

The harsh pounding on my front door woke me from my slumber on the couch. I had promised myself that I was not going to sleep in my room until Samantha was rightfully mine to hold and cherish for all eternity. In that room, I was going to make her see that I was never going to let her go.

More pounding on my door caused me to fly out my sweet thoughts, crashing and burning as my conscience landed back on Mother Earth. Sighing at the impatience of people these days, I got up and opened the door, only to be pushed aside as Zane frantically scrambled through my door.

"Sam?! Sam, where are you?" He turned on me with surprising force and grabbed me by my arms, pulling me close to him. "Where is Sam?"

"What?" I was confused. Why would he think Samantha was here?

Zane pushed me away from him and ran his hands through his devastatingly disheveled hair. "Do not play games with me, Alex," he growled. "Where the hell is my sister?!"

Snorting incredulously, I shook my head. "Zane, I haven't seen Sam in four days. I was waiting to come to her. You can't find her? What is going on?"

"No!" He yelled. "She was getting the house ready for Leilah! She wanted it to be super clean for a newborn and she sent Maya, Avery, AJ and I go and pick up JJ and Luke and the baby. No one would answer the front door, the kitchen is locked which never happens and no one would answer the phone so we thought she was over here! Where is my sister?!"

"Okay," I said calmly, hoping to get Zane to calm down. Everyone in town knew how protective Zane was of his sisters. Heck, I was protective of them too but he seemed to be on the verge of passing out from panic. "Have you guys called the police?"

He shook his head. "No, because the last time something like this happened, Sam only went to the cliff and she nearly killed us for calling the police even though we had explained that she had been missing for five hours!"

"Did you go to the cliff?"

"Maya went. She's not there."

I exhaled, air leaving my panicky body, though I didn't want Zane to notice. "Alright, I will call the house, see if she just probably went to sleep and didn't hear the phone."

Zane snorted and shook his head. "You know my sister is the lightest sleeper ever. She would have heard that phone if she went to sleep."

He was right, of course, but it still did not hurt to try calling her again. So I picked up the telephone, dialing Samantha's number that I knew by heart. It picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" Samantha's timid voice rang through my ears and immediately, I perked up like a giddy schoolboy.

"Sam, you're home? Why wouldn't you answer the phone or the door? Zane's been going crazy with worry."

"Because I would not let her."

My heart stopped. "Vanessa."

Instantaneously, Zane's head snapped towards my direction. "Vanessa's in my house...with my sister?"

I didn't answer him. "Vanessa, what are you doing?" I asked.

She sighed, the noise grating on my ear drums over the telephone. "I am doing what I think is right. She took you from me. Now, I am going to take her from you. I am going to rid the earth of scum like her. We can be together without her, Alexander. You and I, together, forever."

"Don't do this," I whispered. "Leave her out of this."

"Tell me you love me and I will," she fired back immediately.

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