It All Comes Crashing Down

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It All Comes Crashing Down

:: Samantha ::

Wedding Day: T Minus 1 Day

By the time I got home, I felt like I got hit by a bus. I left the love of my life alone on a cliff again after he poured out his soul to me. Harsh, I know. Believe me, I know but it had to be done. He was getting married to someone else. Someone who would give him the world just because he asked. I couldn't do that. Alexander Martin deserved way better than me.

Pulling into my driveway, I turned off the engine and just sat in my car. The tears were overflowing. Any more and I would create a new river which the world did not need. Sighing, I steeled myself and got out of my car. I was tired of crying over him. He was getting married tomorrow. He was starting a new life. It was time I started one as that did not revolve around him.

As soon as I stepped through the front door, I was greeted by the monstrous sounds of my family. Zane was sitting on the sofa holding Lucas in a choke hold while Jordyn stood over him with her protruding stomach, smacking our brother repeatedly with her handbag as Maya sat in one of the arms chairs egging on her boyfriend. Avery sat on the ground watching the entire interaction with a bored expression on his face.

I rushed toward the sofa and glared at Avery. "What is going on in here?"

Avery looked up. "They are fighting over the television remote...again," he said as he gestured towards my brother and my brother-in-law.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my brother's hair and yanked his head back with full force causing him to loosen his hold on Lucas and yelp like a six year old girl. "The television remote? Seriously?"

Zane grinned. "Hey, Sammy Bear! How's it going?"

"You're an idiot," I said as I slapped his around his head. "Are you okay, Luke?"

Before he could answer, Maya snorted, centering all attention on her. "Of course, he's not okay! Maybe if he would gain a few muscles on those scrawny arms of his, he would beat Zane for the remote."

"You make it sound like he's challenging my brother for a trophy," Jordyn declared. "I like my husband just the way he is."

I felt a headache coming on. My family was the only one that could take my mind off of my troubles by being silly.

"Of course you like him like that," Maya said. "You like them tall and as thin as a toothpick with little salmon that doesn't seem to find the motivation to swim upstream."

My jaw dropped in shock. Maya did not just say that.

"Hey!" Lucas protested while Avery and Zane howled in laughter.

My sister turned as red as a tomato and was about to rush at a smirking Maya when the doorbell rang....repeatedly. The ringing of the doorbell was then replaced by frantic knocking which turned into incessant banging.

It seemed that someone was clearly eager to grace us with their presence. They were basically trying to break down our front door.

Jordyn glared at Maya before moving towards the door. Just as she opened the door, it was forcefully pushed open causing her to stumble back and Vanessa stormed into the house.

"Are you crazy?" Lucas yelled as he rushed over to Jordyn. "My wife is heavily pregnant. Be careful!"

"Oh shut up, you nerd!" Vanessa yelled as she glared at me. "I came here for you."

My jaw dropped...once again. "What? Vanessa, I'm sure that you can see my sister is heavily pregnant. She could have hurt herself and the baby!"

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