That Witch Said What Now?

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That Witch Said What Now?

:: Samantha ::

The spell was broken. Our eyes sprung up from the now forgotten platters and dishes of food and we all stared wide eyed at Vanessa who had a very calm expression on her face. I looked over and noticed that her plate was completely empty and very clean as well. In fact, the plate was so clean that it looked brand new.

Alexander looked at his fiancée and chuckled nervously. "Since when are you allergic to chicken, rice and steamed vegetables, Nessa?"

She moved a stray hair from her face and looked at him. "Since they were cooked by Samantha."

My heart began to ache. Was my food that bad?

"Are you kidding us right now?" Jordyn asked, shock written all over her face.

Vanessa sighed and tilted her head as she looked at my sister. I saw Lucas discreetly put an arm around Jordyn as though he wanted to protect her and their baby but if she hurt my little sister, I was going to stop being nice.

"No, I am not. I do not know what ingredients were used for these so called mouthwatering dishes. I do not know if the pots, pans and dishes and utensils have been properly washed. There could be salmonella spreading in that kitchen for all I know!" She exclaimed, using her hands to emphasize her argument. "I suggest that you people have that kitchen checked and get regular health checks."

Alexander stared at Vanessa as though she had grown an extra head on her shoulders. He was extremely flabbergasted. Heck, I was flabbergasted! Health checks? What is wrong with her?

"Health checks? What are you, the health police?" Maya asked, complete anger etched in her face. "In case you haven't noticed, Miss Holier than thou, this isn't a five star restaurant! This is a normal house where we people take care of our things! Where we cook excellent meals! How dare you insult my sister's cooking! Sam has worked extremely hard to put this together!"

Vanessa snorted and completely disregarded Maya. "You are her friend. You are obligated to say good things but unfortunately for you, I do not care. Not one bit. Her produce could be spoiled."

What is happening here? This - This wasn't how the dinner was supposed to go. As if sensing my thoughts, AJ reached under the table and lightly squeezed my hand. I looked up at him but he was staring at Vanessa with anger blazing in his sky blue eyes.

"Just like you are?" I heard Lucas ask, wringing me out of my tumultuous thoughts. "What is your problem, woman? Is this really about the food? This is a dinner to apologize for the one we ruined!"

Vanessa erupted after that. "Exactly! She ruined my dinner!" She exclaimed, pointing at me. "And I am supposed to sit here all happy and dandy and enjoy hers?! No way!"

Alexander seemed to have woken up from his shocked trance and glared at his fiancée. "That's what this is all about? Because of your ruined dinner? They are trying to apologize, Vanessa! Why can't you accept the apology like normal people and move on?!"

"That is exactly it! Right there!" Vanessa yelled as she abruptly stood up, knocking over the chair. "Of course you would be on her side! Everything you say or do revolve around 'Samantha'!" She said my name with a sneer and used air marks around it. "Do you not get it? Do none of you get it? She is trying to steal you away from me!"

Alright, that is it!

I promptly stood up and marched over to her. "Are you nuts? What- What is wrong with you? This dinner is my apology to you. This is not a scheme. I don't want Alex."

Okay, we all know that last statement was a complete and utter lie.

Vanessa squared her shoulders and cocked her eyebrows. "Then why did you agree to be my Maid of Honour?"

To be close to Alex one more time, my subconscious screamed at me. "I was being nice. You asked me to. I agreed because I thought that it would give us a chance to get to know one another a little better."

Alexander waved his hands in exasperation. "There! Now will you please sit down and just let us forget this whole mess?"

Vanessa defiantly shook her head and folded her arms. "No! I am going home. I am not going to sit here and enjoy her food whilst mine is forgotten! I am not going to sit here and watch you fall further and further in love with her! I am certainly not going to watch you make puppy eyes at this mutt!"

It came barreling over the table and I barely ducked before I heard a squishing noise and Vanessa's loud shriek. I looked up and my eyes widened in shock and my jaw dropped as I took in Vanessa.

She was completely covered in what used to be my lemon meringue pie. She stood gasping from shock and loudly shrieked again. Whipped cream coated her hair and her face. Her once black dress was covered in crust and whipped cream and all the ingredients of the pie. Her arms were stretched out and her eyes were murderous.

"Oh my gosh," Alexander whispered next to me, his eyes and face full of shock.

"You!" Vanessa shrieked, looking at someone across the table.

I followed her gaze and gasped. "AJ?"

My son silently stood; his gaze just as murderous as Vanessa's. For a twelve year old, he looked deadly and he was scaring me.

"Are you crazy?! I designed this dress! Now look at it!" Vanessa yelled

"If you don't eat it, you can wear it," my son said through gritted teeth. He stared at her before calmly moving away from the table and walking through the double doors.

I stood, gaping at the door, expecting my son to walk back in but that didn't happen. He was truly gone.

I started to walk towards the door but a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist. I looked back to see Avery standing over me.

"You clean up. I'll get him," Avery told me.

I looked at my little brother like he was crazy. "Avery....."

The cold look in his eyes made me stop short. "Sam. I'll talk to him," he said with an air of finality. He dropped my wrist and walked through the door.

I looked around the place that was once was sanctuary. Everything was now a mess. I fact, it doesn't matter what I think anymore.

"How could you do this?" I heard Alexander's deep, smooth voice ask in disbelief. "Why would you do this, Vanessa? This is my family. They are my family. What were you thinking?"

Alexander shot Vanessa a disapproving look and shook his head. "You are unbelievable." And with that he marched past me and strolled out of the room.

I looked at my family and an understanding passed between us. "You know where the door is, Vanessa," I softly said. "Don't let it hit you on the way out."

I walked out of the dining room without glancing back but not before I heard my brother's idiotic voice.

"Well, there goes the lemon meringue pie."

A resounding slap and a girly screech echoed throughout the house.

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