Fighting For Her

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Fighting For Her

# Alexander #

Instantly, I rushed towards Samantha. From the impact of the bullet, she had fallen back onto the man - I think his name was Carson - next to her who was now visibly shaking in his boots. Blood stained her white vest and was pouring freely down her arm and onto the sofa.

Dropping to my knees, I reached out to apply pressure on the wound when Samantha screamed out in terror.

"No! Don't touch it!"

"Sam, you have to put pressure on it," I whispered, my heart crumbling at her whimpers of pain. I looked at the man next to her. "Go to the kitchen and bring me a cloth."

He snuck a glance at Vanessa, fear in his eyes shining like crystals in the light. Scowling, I grabbed his jacket and pulled him close so that we were face to face. "Ignore her! Bring. Me. The. Cloth!" I hissed.

Carson, or whatever his name was, dashed away to the kitchen. I looked at Samantha; her eyes were squeezed shut and little whimpers escaped her body. She was getting paler and paler by the minute now that she had two places that were leaking blood.

"You are crazy," I whispered.

Vanessa came to stand next to me. She crouched down, her hand turning my face in her direction. She was beautiful in a menacing way with cold, dead brown eyes and lips that had seen better days of lip gloss and lipstick. She was not for me. She had to know that.

"I am in love and people do crazy things when they are in love," she said, her hand running through my hair.

I had to admit her logic there. People always did crazy things when they were in love. They also had to justify their actions when they were done.

"You didn't have to shoot her."

She shrugged and smiled. "This was the only way you would have listened to me."

"I won't listen to you. Not now since you shot her," I hissed.

The smile slowly faded away from her face.

Carson came back, handing me a blue cloth. I reached out to take it when Vanessa suddenly grabbed my wrist and with her other hand, slammed it down on Samantha's wound. I turned away, my stomach rolling as Samantha's pain filled scream echoed in the living room.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"You will listen to me now or I hit her again," she growled menacingly.

I couldn't let that happen again...not when Samantha was in so much pain. "What do you want, Vanessa?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Have I acquired your attention, Alexander?"

Samantha whimpered again, the noise tugging at my heart. "Yes."

Vanessa smiled. "Good. I know the police sent you in here to 'try' to save her so what you are going to do is call them and have them back off. We will leave Samantha in here while we slip out the back door. I have a plane ready to take us back to New York. You are coming with me. No questions. No arguments. No fights."

"And if I don't?"

Vanessa tilted her head, her hair falling in her face. "Then I will simply kill her. Right here in front of you. And I doubt you want your last reminder of her to be vacant eyes and her blood splattered across your face."

I looked at Vanessa. The threat in her voice was crystal clear. I knew she was dead serious. Samantha whimpered again causing me to look at her. Even when pale and almost ghostlike, she was still beautiful. I could not let her die. She had her life to live. She had AJ to care for. She a career she loved. She had a family that kept her happy. Samantha had too much to live for.

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