Trying To Reconnect, Failing Miserably

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Here's the next chapter, guys!

Trying To Reconnect, Failing Miserably 

# Alexander #  

"You own Alex & Sam Industries?" she asked. I nodded. She continued. "You own the biggest architecture firm in New York? You own Alex & Sam Industries! Oh my gosh!" 

Samantha was so shocked that she didn't even realise the name of the business. "Sam." 

"You really own Alex & Sam Industries!" she exclaimed as she jumped up and down on the sofa as though she were a five year given way too much sugar. 

I put a hand on her leg to stop her from bouncing to the moon. "Sam, you didn't even notice the name." 

"Yeah, Alex & S-," she slowed down as the realisation hit her. She looked at me with wide eyes. "Sam Industries. You named your business after us?" 

I lifted her off the sofa and pulled her into my lap. I pressed her forehead to mine and closed my eyes, taking in the scent of her vanilla shampoo. When I opened my eyes, blue gray eyes were staring back into my sky blue eyes with such intensity and bewilderment. I felt complete having her near me. I loved the way she fit into my arms. 

"Alex," she whispered. I mentally groaned from the pleasure of hearing my name roll off of her tongue. "I always said that when I got my business, I would name it after the both of us." 

Samantha's eyes sparkled and she flashed me her dazzling smile. "Yes, you did." She ran her hand through my hair again and I pulled her closer to me, reveling in her touch. "The reporters and the magazines are always asking you who 'Sam' was. You never told them. Why?" 

I ran my hand against her smooth thigh and she tensed for a minute before relaxing into my touch. With my other hand, I pulled her fiery red hair from her ponytail and let it tumble down her back. I loved it when she left her hair down. I ran my hand across her cheek and she leaned into my hand, loudly sighing in content. I looked into the eyes that captured me and held me prisoner for so many years.  

"You were my little secret and I was going to keep you that way," I whispered against her face, my breath fanning it. Samantha visibly shivered and I wondered if it was from pleasure. My eyes drifted to her slightly parted lips. Her lips smelled of peppermint and I ached to know if she tasted like that. I wanted to kiss her so badly it hurt. 

"Aren't you getting married?" Samantha asked, her minty breath fanning my face. Somewhere in the back of my mind that question rang many bells and alarms and should have jolted me into reality but I missed Samantha so much for the past ten years that my heart burned to have her so close. 

"I am but right now, I just want to have you near me," I admitted. "I missed you, Sammy, so much it hurt. I missed my best friend." 

She loudly sighed and closed her eyes as if preparing to do the worst thing in the world. "We should stop this. You have to think about Vanessa and I have to think about AJ." 

Samantha looked at me and I saw that usual spark in her eyes slowly disappear. I realised she was right and with a loud sigh, I let her scramble off of my lap. The warmth I once had was gone and I found myself thinking that I never felt that way with Vanessa. With Vanessa, it was always a short hug and a kiss on the cheek. With Samantha, it was so much more; it was warmth, happiness, love.  

I shook my head thinking that mind was playing tricks on me and allowing my thoughts to run wild and crazy. I love Vanessa. Samantha, on the other hand..... I still needed to figure things out with my best friend. 

"Do you want to talk to AJ now?" I heard Samantha ask. I nodded my head and she stood up and walked over to the banister for the stairs.  

"AJ!" She called up. "There's someone here to see you!" 

I didn't have to wait long before I heard AJ's loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Now that I knew he was my son, I could clearly see the resemblance between the two of us. He clearly looked like me. The sky blue eyes, the jet black hair, the way he walked; he was absolutely and positively my son. 

He came down the stairs, his head bent as he concentrated on where he was walking. As AJ hit the bottom step, he looked up and his body froze as he stared at me. 


Samantha walked up to AJ and hugged him fiercely. He looked at her in confusion. "He just wants to talk, AJ. It's okay." 

AJ nodded his head and smiled at his mother. "Okay." 

"I'll be in the kitchen, okay?" Samantha told AJ. He nodded and looked at me, his eyes searching me. Samantha started backing out of the living room and I could feel her gaze on me. I turned to look at her and I almost groaned out loud from the look she gave me. I could see the reassurance in her eyes. Samantha smiled at me and mouthed 'You'll be fine' to me. I smiled at her and nodded my head before turning my attention to my son. 

AJ stood with his hands in his pockets and dropped his gaze to floor. "Are you here to tell me that you don't want to be in my life?" 

I tilted my head in confusion and crossed my hands across my chest. "Why would you think that, AJ?" 

"It's okay....if you don't want to be in my life. I have Uncle Zane and Uncle Luke so if you leave, it will hurt less," he confessed. 

I shook my head and slowly made my way towards him. "If you think that I will or want to leave you, then you are wrong. I'm glad I have a son, I'm glad I have you, AJ." 

"And what about your fiancée?" AJ asked as he raised his head to look me squarely in the eyes. "How will she feel about this little revelation? She wasn't exactly quite ecstatic to learn she is going to have a stepson." 

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I knew AJ was right about Vanessa. She gave me an ultimatum and for once in my relationship with Vanessa, I felt like her way wasn't the right way.  

I smiled at my son. "You are clearly right but Vanessa will just have to deal with everything. I'm not letting you go, AJ. I want you in my life and I want to be in yours." 

AJ still held my gaze but this time he steeled his gaze and his stance went rigid. "What about Mom?" 

"I love your mom. I always have and I always will." 

"You must feel something else. I mean, after all, you did get her pregnant," he countered. 

Outside, I was as calm as I could be but on the inside I was freaking out. He just met me yet he could tell that I felt something for his mother. In one glance, AJ could tell how much Samantha meant to me. He knew that I couldn't live without her. 

"We will see what happens in the future, okay, but for now? I just want to know my son. Is that possible?" 

AJ stared at me for longest moment in the history of my life before he launched himself at me and hugged me fiercely like he thought I would disappear. 

"I missed you, Dad," AJ mumbled into my chest and I swear for a minute, I melted. I hugged him back and I felt a tear crawl down my face. 

"Don't leave me again."

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