How Much Did You Have To Drink?

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How Much Did You Have To Drink? 

:: Samantha ::  

I will admit it. It was and still is hard for me to believe that Alexander is getting married in less than two months. It was hard to get over the news especially when the entire population in this godforsaken town kept asking me about it. Everyone knew because the local newspaper had the audacity to print the stupid story and feature it on the front page, no less! Now everyone knew that not only their golden boy Alexander Martin had returned but that he was getting married to the biggest fashion mogul in the entire world. Oh! And let's not forget, they now know that AJ is Alexander's son. Don't you just love the newspapers? 

Every time I went into to town, people I passed kept giving me sympathetic looks as if they expected me to break down in tears and beg Alexander not to do this. Well......I so wanted to....... so that I could get rid of the stupid looks and get Vanessa and her farce of a wedding out of my life. 

I was at home reading over the newspaper article about Alexander and Vanessa - sue me, I was bored - and was about the turn on the television when the doorbell rang. I checked my watch because everyone in this house was at work or at school at one in the afternoon so I knew it couldn't have been my brothers and sisters or my son. 

I got up from the couch, smoothed my tank top and my shorts and quickly pulled my hair into a messy bun. I was about to reach for the door handle when the doorbell rang again. 

"I'm coming!" I yelled. I opened the door. "Gosh, you people are so impa....." I trailed off as I realised that Vanessa was standing on my porch. "Vanessa?" 

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Samantha." 

I took in her appearance. Vanessa was dressed quite business like today. Her dark brown hair was pulled into a tight ballerina bun. Her face was immaculate with minimal make up. Around her neck was a simple necklace and she donned simple hoops on her ears, which seemed a little plain for a high roller like Vanessa. I had to retract that earlier thought though when I looked at the rest of her appearance. Vanessa was wearing a nice brown blouse with three quarter sleeves and she tucked it inside a beige pencil skirt and finished her outfit with a pair of beige stilettos and a brown belt around her waist. To say she was stunning was a complete understatement. The woman looked like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine. 

Vanessa cleared her throat and I realised that I had been staring at her and from the way she was smirking at me, she clearly knew it too. I stepped aside and gestured for her to come in. She flashed me a tight smile and gingerly walked past me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and loudly sigh. Instead, I closed the door and made my way to the couch which Vanessa was clearly brushing off - for the fourth, fifth, sixth time - imaginary dust on the couch. 

I patiently waited until she deemed she was comfortable enough. 

"Can I help you with something? Is there a reason you are here?"I asked as nicely as I could, trying to rid my voice of all emotion. 

Vanessa crossed her legs and placed her hands on her lap as though she was getting ready to settle a business deal. I quickly looked around my house. Was I in an office?  

"Yes, there is. I had an epiphany.....Alexander thought it would be a good idea if you could help with the wedding," she stated, her pronunciation clearer than glass. 

I leaned back on the couch and loudly sighed. I wasn't really expecting this. Could she even spell 'epiphany'? Help with the wedding? Alex came up with this harebrained idea? What was she putting in his food? I had an epiphany, two or three! If she was talking about destroying the wedding and burning it to the ground, running her out of town with her hair on fire, well, then I would gladly offer my services. Wait a minute....let me think, I wondered where she was going with this because I certainly knew where I was going with mine. What would Jesus do? 

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