Breaking Away From Him

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Breaking Away From Him

:: Samantha ::

Wedding Day: T minus 1 day

"I got it!" I yelled as the phone rang again. Not that it mattered. Avery and Zane were too lazy to get the phone anyway and there was no way Jordyn was ever going to get up for it either. I grabbed the phone from its cradle, pressing the ON button.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, Princess."

A full blown grin erupted on my face. "Dad! How's Mom? How's the vacation? Did you guys get me anything? I want to see you!" I fired question after question.

My Dad chuckled over the phone. "Whoa! Slow down, Princess. Where's everyone? Your mother wants to say hi."

With the phone still to my ear, I yelled. "Guys! Mom and Dad are on the phone!"

The kitchen door burst open and both my brothers scrambled through it. Jordyn was right behind them, her hands on her stomach. I put the phone on speaker and laid it on the kitchen counter.

"Hi, Daddy!" Jordyn yelled. "Where's Mom? Where are you guys? When are you guys coming home? We miss you!"

"Soon, baby. Soon."

"Hi, darlings," my Mom said.

"Mom!" Avery yelled. Though my little brother might seem cold, he was a complete mummy's boy like Zane was. Well, Jordyn was a mummy's girl but I was completely my father's child.

I could hear the smile and the tears in my mother's voice. "Avery, I missed you so much, my baby. Are you behaving yourself for your sisters and brother?"

Avery nodded his head, forgetting that our parents couldn't see him. "Sure!" He replied a little too quickly.

Zane snorted and rolled his eyes. "Sure. Mom, you should know that your favorite vase has been vandalized."

"What!" My mom yelled over the phone. My mom got that vase from the first cruise she and my dad went on where, unfortunately, my little brother was created. Let's just say, the vase had special memories for my mother.

"Tattletale! You promised you wouldn't tell!" Avery yelled as he punched Zane on his arm.

"Avery Daniel Jackson Carter! When I get back there you are in so much trouble, young man!" My mom yelled over the phone.

Jordyn smirked at Avery, who had immediately lost all colour in his face, and leaned over towards him. "Oh, you are in big trouble. She called your full name," she stage whispered.

You knew my mother was furious when she called your full name.

My dad chuckled over the phone. "Okay, guys. Can I talk to Sammy please?"

All heads turned towards me. Why did my dad want to talk to me?

"Okay, Dad. We love you guys. Hurry home!" Jordyn said as she pushed my brothers who were complaining out of the kitchen, leaving me to ponder as to why my father would want to talk to me privately.

Taking a deep breath, I sat on the kitchen counter and braced myself for the impending conversation.

"What's up, Dad?" I asked.

"I heard Alex is back in town," My dad said, not being one to beat around the bush.

I ran my tongue over my teeth and tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. "Yeah, he's back. Who told you that?"

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