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:: Samantha ::

It was over. I was free of Vanessa. I was free of Alexander. It was finally over.

So why did I feel like crap?

My heart was weeping. It ached to know that while I was struggling with being happy for him and silently pleading with him to come after me, he was out there getting ready for his ultimate honeymoon with Vanessa.

I always hated it when you try to do the right thing and have to end up paying the price for it.

We were sitting in the living room, the television showing some daytime TV show that none of us knew the name of. AJ and Avery were upstairs. Zane and Lucas sat on the love seat while Maya, Jordyn and I squeezed ourselves onto the sofa.

"Are you okay?" Jordyn asked, her face scrunched up into a mixture of a grimace and a smile.

Before I could answer, Maya spoke up. "I'm not okay! My hand still hurts from smashing Vanessa's face in!" She declared with a look of horror as she held up her hand. "I think I broke a nail!"

I chuckled at her expression. Unconsciously, Maya eased my guilty conscience just a bit. "I guess I'm okay," I sighed, shrugging my shoulders. "No use crying over spilt milk right?"

Maya grabbed my hand, linking my fingers with hers. "It's love, Sam, not milk."

"I know," I said as I breathed out a chuckle. "I have no more tears for him and my heart can't take any more pain. I'm not going to sit and wish for what could have been or think about 'what if'. It's a waste of my time and all of yours. I have AJ and I have you guys. You're like my personal soap opera."

Zane and Jordyn chuckled. They knew that drama was a basic essential in our lives. It had been from time we were kids and playing pranks on everyone in the house.

"So it's over?" Zane asked me, his hazel eyes staring straight into my eyes.

It was over but my heart would always ache for Alexander. "I still love him, I will always love him but right now? I'm going to live my life vicariously through you guys."

Lucas laughed. "You always look at the bright side of things, Sam. Makes me wish I had met you first."

"Hey!" my sister exclaimed and chucked the television remote at her husband who ducked it expertly and stuck out his tongue at her.

We were all laughing at the couple's stupidity when Maya suddenly jumped up, her eyes boring holes in Jordyn's face. "Dammit, JJ! Did you have to pee on the sofa? The bathroom is right around the corner!"

"Pee?" My sister asked, her face scrunching in confusion. "I didn't...pee. Uh oh," she said as the realisation hit her. She looked at me, her mouth dropped open in shock and fear.

I knew what was happening. "Uh oh."

Lucas chuckled. "What's going on? Am I missing something?"

"Luke, baby, my water just broke. I think I'm going into labor."

Lucas, who by the way was a naturally calm person, jumped up from the love seat like it was on fire and stared at his wife in disbelief. "Labor? You're going into labor? Uh...where's the nearest hospital? How are we going to get there? Can we get there by car? I could get a taxi! Maybe the bus is better! I'll stop a bus!"

He fired question after question. Jordyn tilted her head, staring at her husband with a raised eyebrow. Maya stood next to my sister with her hand over her mouth as she tried to hide her laughter. My brother stood up, his lips pressed together in a firm line.

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